Sunday, May 2, 2010

2:32 AM

I know I'm fucken tired but for some reason I don't feel like sleeping. I can feel my eyes drooping. Today was a long day, but fun so I'm not gonna rant about that. (: So lately I have to admit I have been really lazy. I have stacks of homework packed. It's been literally 2 weeks worth of work. Well, it's CST's this week so there's only 4 classes per day. Plus, seniors don't need the tests. HEHE. XD Well anyways so prom's coming up in 2 weeks. I mean literally it's just crawling by real fast. I don't even expect it to come so fast. The last time that I actually thought about prom is spring break. And that's been a while ago. LOL So I've lagged it on trying to find the right dress. I came to realize there is no "right" dress. I was just being super duper picky on what I want. That's the reason why I haven't found THE dress yet. But I'm going to settle with what I have now. Another problem I have to admit is that I did want a date. It just feels better to have a date. And plus I really wanna prove to "someone" that I can actually get a date for prom. But I've come to a realization that this is not going to happen. I haven't found a particular someone that I wanted to ask. I've come to the point where I'd just take anyone. Talk about sounding desperate. Yes, I am cuz I just want to prove to this one damn person that I can get a date. So far, it's been a fail mission. I can't find anyone. I asked 3 people the other day, and guess what they say. "I don't even have a date for myself, how do I find you a date?" But your prom isn't in 2 weeks is it? You still got time to find one. -.- Geez thanks for promising your gonna help in the first place. If your gonna promise me something, please carry on your promise. If your just gonna say it, and not do it, then please, save your breath. I don't need your bullshiet in my life.
Thinking about this school year, not much has really happened. It's still the same. The only difference would probably be me graduating in a little less than 2 months. I feel like it's too early for me to graduate. Even though I'm going to stay at home for college, I think it's not going to be the same as it was in high school. I think college compared to high school is going to be a bigger campus, but in a way similar to high school. It's exactly like moving from my elementary school to high school. It just gets bigger and bigger each time. Honestly, thinking back on this school year, I don't have anything in mind that actually stands out. There's like no "big" event that had happen that's worth to remember. But then again, I do have a real bad short term memory. So if there was, then I can't think of it. One way to find out is to read through my journal, but it's going to be a very very long process. Let's leave that when I'm like bored outta my mind. Okei my eyes are like half open. I needa get to sleep soon or more like right now.

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