Friday, February 26, 2010


I think imma strangle someone soon!
I just need to get this anger out like having a punching bag. -.-
How can this become such a disaster?!
He's such a little brat.
I have no tolerance for him. I swear!
Why does he have to mess up my stuff for?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... :D

I got a new laptop! OMFG! I'm so happy.
Now I feel bad that my brother doesn't get it.
I can use the desktop and the laptop.
I finally can use it in my room. (: HAHA

I'm soooo early!!!!!

O.M.G. I'm so early to school today. I woke up like only 10 minutes earlier. I think? Damn, what is wrong with me today? UGH! I came to school and there was barely anyone at school. That was how early I was. I'm never this early though unless there's something going on. Today is an exception. I'm just wasting my time right now, blogging about nothing.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You know what I hate...?

...when people that sit next to you look at your work and be like "Oh, I'm just checking my work with yours" when obviously they are copying it instead. -_- They need to learn to do their own work. And when they helped you with one tiny part of your work, they expect you to let them copy all your work.

"A" : Learn to do your own work.
Now wonder you do bad on your tests! -.-

Monday, February 22, 2010

Stop It!

Why does it matter so much to you what college do I get into? Honestly?! I don't care what you get into, so I think you should stop worrying if I got into anything. I don't care if you got into a state college or a private college. It's all the same. It's the content and things you learn that counts. You make it seem like picking colleges are like picking the different brands of clothes. Literally, they all make the same clothes, but they just add their logo on it to make it prettier and more expensive. I KNOW you're smart and get 4.0's. So what?! Just cuz you're my cousin doesn't mean anything. I'm happy for you that you got into a private college. So can you just stop asking what colleges I did or didn't get into. You can ask however many times you want, but my answer is going to be "I don't know!" or I'm just going to glare at you or some other response if I'm irritated. Expect that from me from now on and better now call me rude. If I choose to tell you, I would've done that right away.
Since I'm on the subject about colleges, I just hate when adults ask me what college I'm going to go to. Especially my grandparents. Geez! They need to realize that acceptance/rejection letters do not come until March. Just cuz I'm not sure which college I go to, doesn't mean I'm indecisive. I feel like a lot of people have such high expectations on me. And literally I just fall behind what is expected. ): Sometimes, I don't want to tell them where I'm going because I know they're going to compare me to their children or other people just like everyone else. People should just lay off to what school they're going to. I've pretty much given up to any "good" school that people label as. Plus, it costs so much to go to a "good" school. There's like tuition + supply fees + dorms (if you have to). You'd need a couple thousands. Enough said!

Hilary Duff

She's too young to be engaged!

TO HIM? LOL Who is he?

His name is Mike Comrie. O.o

Friday, February 19, 2010


Adorable yorkies! :D


Why so cute for?! (:


Thank God It's Friday!
LOL get it? (: hahah. Lately, I just haven't gotten around to blogging anymore. Either I'm too tired or I'm just too busy watching my Chinese dramas. LOL! I started to download these Chinese variety shows and it's freaken hilarious. Watching these gives a good laugh. Hmm... OH! I got something to talk about.
There's always going to be a difference between guys and girls besides the obvious things. Like how girls are more sensitive than guys. Did you know it takes a guy longer than a girl to get over the opposite sex? :O Seriously, I do know one guy that's like that, but I'm not sure about other guys. I have a huge question mark though. So why do guys "run away" if they find out that some girl likes them? Is it the same with girls too? In my opinion and with some personal experience, I really don't think we do the same. We'd just stay quiet about it even though we don't like the guy. BUT sometimes, we can get a bit "ugh!" That's only when we talk to the girls. However, guys can be so sad sometimes. It doesn't matter how long you've been friends with them, they can just take something so small and stop being friends with you. It's just so saddening. ): I really wanna know some different guys' perspectives. I know each guy is different, but there are some similarity between most of the guys.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Watsupp... I haven't blogged in awhile already. :O So yesterday was Valentine's Day or Singles Awareness Day and Chinese New Years. It's pretty rare. (: Both of these holidays have the color red too. What a coincedence. Hehe. I can't wait to get my red envelopes this New Years. I actually like this holiday. My family wasn't that traditional this year. We just had a huge family dinner on the Eve and the next day went to dim sum. This year was actually less tradional than the years before. I remember when we were younger, my mom would like to decorate the house with those red thingys and buy those blossom flowers and all those new years snacks. And plus I've been cussing since the first day. You're not supposed to cuss when new years comes around until the last day which is the 15th. LOL XD Too bad.
3-day weekend is coming to an end now. I don't wanna go to school tomorrow though. ): I have a test and I don't want to study for it later. Did you know people in China get to have a whole month of school off for Chinese New Years? :O Lucky them! HAHA. But it's equivalent to our Christmas and New Year's, but they get one month, we get 2 weeks. LOL

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day.

Singles Awareness Day.

Chinese New Years

Year of the Tiger...

Thursday, February 11, 2010



Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fact #15

I have this one strange pet peeve: I don't like it when people drag their feet when they walk. It gets annoying. Why can't they pick up their feet?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...I PASSED! XD

Yeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss.... I passed my driving test today! Wheeeeeeeee... I'm hella happy and I got no idea why I was so worried about before. It was so easy and I swear my examiner was not paying attention half the time. LOLL. It felt like a 5 minutes test, but my mom told me it was 10 minutes. HAHA. I was so surprised that I ony missed 2 points cuz I know I didn't make a complete stop at one stop sign. Hmmm... told you my examiner wasn't paying attention. It was a lady and in the beginning I told her straight up I was really nervous. I think she wanted to go on her break already. She said I was her last testee. (: I just lucked out. HAHA. I'm just happy I passed. Now time to wait for my actual license, get insurance, get my dad's car! XD

You don't know me...

"You do not know who I am, my favorite color, my favorite food, my middle name or how I tie my shoes, you do not know the hardships I’ve faced and have overcome or the disfunction I come from. I have done wrong in my life for we do not all do right, I am not proud of a few things nor am I ashamed of who I am, the simple fact is that you do not know me…You only know of me and yet you still judge. "

Friday, February 5, 2010

Eeeeekk kutee BOY!:D

OMFG! Okei so I have to talk about something that happened today! :D In period 4 today, we had a couple guest speakers who were from the Marine Corps. One person stood out the most. In the beginning, I didn't even noticed him, until I felt someone look in my direction. I looked up and noticed him. I couldn't stop looking at him and he was goddamn kuteee! Hehehee.. He has a tiny goatee and wears glasses. The only bad thing was that he's a bit short. :X I didn't even hear what his name was. He's about 24ish years old. LOL I don't know though, I'm just looking by appearance. HAHA I swear there was a spur moment of mines where I wanted to raise my hand and say, "Can I have your number?" ROFL. I'm crazyyy! I guess I had a long boy break and haven't really come upon any cute guys in awhile. This is so funny. I swear at lunch, I started to blush real bad when he passes by in the halls. What is wrong with me?! LOL. Like seriously, I can't stop thinking about him in fifth period either. I swear it's time to meet some new boys! (: HAHAAAA...

can't live with them,
can't live without them! -.-


I feel hurt right now. :X

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pointless post to you.

This post will be pointless to everyone except me. You have to step in my shoes for a day to understand what I mean.

Seriously, I don't know if what I'm doing is going to work out in the future or is it one of those 'come and go' kinda things. Honestly, I feel really vulnerable sometimes. I tend to do things that are out of my league and think, "Hmm..I'll get something in return." However, it never happens. O.o Why is that? I mean it's not like I'm asking too much am I? I can't satisfy everyone and yet people expect me to. Now everyone just expects me to do things without telling me to and if I don't do it, then I'm the bitch! It comes down to a point that it's hard to say no. I noticed, just because I spend half my day doing things that people want me to do, people won't even consider what I feel or think. I mean seriously, my life doesn't always have to revolve around you. I need time for myself too. I'm really not good at confronting face to face. If I had the nerves to, I would. I just don't want my words to become hurtful to you. If I said it online, I feel unsincere, but I'm able to put words together better. So I'd rather choose not to say it at all. Never in a million years would I think that you'd come across this post. And plus if you did, you're not going to realize that it's about you. I've done enough for you, I just want to sit back and see what you would do for me. I can tell that you think, the world revolves around you most of the time. You won't admit cuz you're not that big headed. You're selfish. By now, you should've realized it. I wouldn't be wasting my time trying to clear my mind if I didn't care about this whole crap. There's just times where I'd rather walk away, but I learned that walking away won't solve a single problem. I see hints you drop, but I ignore it cuz I really don't know how to do it. I know you're trying to tell me things. BUT when I drop hints, you walk by as if I never said anything. Cmon, can't you put at least one tiny bit of effort in what I have to say? It's not like I'm asking you to give me your life. -.- I just want to know if it even mattered to you at all of what I say. If I don't matter, why are you lingering around? Why are you here to watch me act like an idiot? People have been telling me things about the way things are right now. To think about it, I would love to tell you. I just can't though. I'm not someone who would go up to someone's face and be like "Hmm.. you're a selfish bitch and the world doesn't revolve around you. Stop being so high-maintenance." (Not like I would say that either way. It's too hurtful and a bit too straightforward.) So in the long run, this is all going to be pointless. Let's just hope I hadn't made any mistakes for the time being.


My nail chipped today! :O I'm sad cuz now I have all long nails except this one. -.- FML

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Today was the first day of semester 2. It seemed exactly the same and my schedule didn't change at all. I still have the same teachers, but one class was different( from gov to econ.) Anyways, I felt really tired. Like if I sit in my chair, I tend to like doze off. Not like sleep sleep cuz I wasn't really sleeping with my eyes closed. Yeah, scary right? LOL. I just wasn't listening in class overall. I felt like I got annoyed real easily. This is what happens when I'm really tired. D:

So the next thing I'm going to talk about may seem a bit weird, but it's me. I admit I can be weird at times. (: haha Well, when I was showering, my mind wandered and I started thinking. I don't have anything that's actually bothering me or anything. BUT when I think, there could be things that I dig in my brain and find something that was bothersome to me for a split second. D: I also have things that I don't like that I never mentioned or picked at the topic. Does that make sense? So yeah. I kinda don't want to elaborate on the subjects that I thought about cuz if I do, I might hurt people's feelings and it's really not that big of a deal and I don't want it to be either. I just never show the way I feel towards other people. I keep it in until something or someone ticks me off, then I begin to explode and that's not a pretty sight. :X There are certain stuff that are real sensitive to me and if I had a choice, I'd rather not talk/have contact with anything that is related to it. It is quite impossible, unless I move away from here. I know I don't like a lot of things, but I've grown to cope with it and just work with it or around it if I have to. Sometimes people just need to know where I'm coming from. Just because I think something is right doesn't mean you will think the same way. I laugh doesn't mean I don't get offended. (<--Yeah I'm still going to think about the subject. It's not going to disappear just like that. I'm not going to mention it to anyone, but it's still in my mind.) We are all hypocrites and judgemental. We're just human and we all make mistakes. I've mad horrible choices in the past, and I might still in the future and so will everyone else. The point is, try not to make the same mistake each time. However, I noticed I've been making the same mistake for the past 4/5 years. Thanks to my econ teacher, I realized what a sore loser I am and feel when I find out I trust the wrong people. (I'm not thinking about that game, but my life in general.) I always trust the wrong people. I'm not talking about the person from today, but it triggered a thought in my mind that came from it. So I've had those friends who were once important in my life, but became someone I did not want to associate with whatsoever. I trusted most of them to keep promises and my secrets safe within themselves. At the end, everything got blabbed out. Believe me, I actually have kept most people's secrets. I have this rule, if you lied to me and I find out, I'm never going to trust you again. Well the thing is, I always get betrayed one way or another and at the end, I build up a really thick wall. This is the reason of my laughs. This is the reason I don't open up as easily. I conceal things behind lies sometimes. The only exceptions are that if I'm around someone and I feel like I can do anything then that person has my trust. Seriously, not a lot of people have my trust. I can only say about 2/3 people who currently have my trust. I bent some rules for these people because at the end I know it's worth it. (: I just wish I don't have this barrier so I can open up to people easily cuz when people tell me their secrets, I have this bad feeling that they trust me, but I don't trust them at all. Sad, but I can't help it. It's me and I can't do much about it. AND DEFINITELY, I WILL NOT STOP LAUGHING REGARDLESS OF WHAT PEOPLE SAY. -.-

Fact # 14

Sometimes, I say something, but then I end up doing something else or not doing it at all.

Fact # 13

I hate empty promises. If you're not going to give/do something to me, then don't even bother mentioning it. Cuz trust me, I'll remember it even if you forgot. :/

One more

Okei...just one more question thingy. (:

1--Thing you cannot leave the house without ? Hmm... my cell phone and some lip gloss/chapstick
2--Favorite Brand of makeup? I don't have a favorite brand.
3--Favorite Flower ? Roses! :D
4-- Fav clothing store? Chorlotte Russe and Forever 21
5--Favorite Perfume ? Sweet Pea from Bath & Body Works
6--Heels or flats ? Flats
7--Do you make good grades ? Uhh..nahh.
8--Favorite colors ? Purple, teal/turquiose, gray
9--Do you drink energy drinks ? Nopee
10--Do you drink juice ? Not that much
11--Do you like swimming ? Only in the summer.
12--Do you eat fries with a fork ? I use it when I'm eating chili cheese fries from Johnny Rockets :D
13--Favourite Moisturizer? Currently the Aveeno Daily Moisturizer.
14--Do you want to get married later on in life ? I'll tell you later on in life. HAHA
15--Do you get mad easily ? If someone gets on my nerves or annoys me when I'm already in a bad mood, then yes.
16--Are you into Ghost Hunting ? thank you.
17-- Any phobias? SPIDERS!!!
18--Do you bite your nails ? Nahh.
19--Have you ever had a near death experience? Yes, but I'm not going to say what happened cuz it's my fault.
20--Do you drink coffee ? Yeah, but not that often. Only when I'm craving for it.


I'm a sleepy and tired but I just drank 2 cups of water and I feel so full. Imma wait a bit before I go take a nap! (: Well, I'm going to do a little survey thingy for the time being. HAHA

Were you a planned baby?
-Actually I have no idea, but I think so?
Were you the first?
Were your parents married when you were born?
What is your birth date?
-December 15, 1991
Parents married or divorced?
Are you an only child?
-No, I wish.
Are you the oldest, middle, or youngest?
-Oldest D:
Which parent do you get along with best?
Do you have step-parents?
Do you have more than one best friend?
-I have close friends.
What do you like to do when you are together?
-Hang out, chill, chat, the usual that girls do. LOLL
Do you share the same interests?
-Yes and no
Which friend can you tell everything to?
-I have this weird thing that I tell certain people certain topics. HAHA
Do you have a low self esteem?
-At one time, yes. Now not that much
Do you get depressed about things easily?
-It depends how depressing it is.
Are you happy right now?
-I'm good enough.
Do you live life to the fullest?
-I try to.
Are you comfortable with the way you look?
-I'm alright.
Describe your hair?
-It's long and layered and dyed and a bit dry. Basically it's a mess. ):
How do you dress?
-I dress like what I like.
Were you a strange child?
-Actually no. I was a shy kid.
Are you scared of growing up old and alone?
Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?
Favorite season?
-I'd say the transition from summer to fall.
Do you like walking in the rain?
-Hell to the NO!
Are you a vegetarian?
Favorite food?
-I'd say sushi.
What food makes you want to gag?
-Bitter melon.
What is your favorite dessert?
-I'd say froyo, but I haven't had it for awhile. Oh tiramisu.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
-I don't know, it never happened to me.
Best gift from a wife/husband?
-Not married yet.
Have you ever been in love?
Have they ever loved you?
-Uh hm (:

Monday, February 1, 2010


Yessss.. I'm finally done after 3 weeks. :X