Friday, February 19, 2010


Thank God It's Friday!
LOL get it? (: hahah. Lately, I just haven't gotten around to blogging anymore. Either I'm too tired or I'm just too busy watching my Chinese dramas. LOL! I started to download these Chinese variety shows and it's freaken hilarious. Watching these gives a good laugh. Hmm... OH! I got something to talk about.
There's always going to be a difference between guys and girls besides the obvious things. Like how girls are more sensitive than guys. Did you know it takes a guy longer than a girl to get over the opposite sex? :O Seriously, I do know one guy that's like that, but I'm not sure about other guys. I have a huge question mark though. So why do guys "run away" if they find out that some girl likes them? Is it the same with girls too? In my opinion and with some personal experience, I really don't think we do the same. We'd just stay quiet about it even though we don't like the guy. BUT sometimes, we can get a bit "ugh!" That's only when we talk to the girls. However, guys can be so sad sometimes. It doesn't matter how long you've been friends with them, they can just take something so small and stop being friends with you. It's just so saddening. ): I really wanna know some different guys' perspectives. I know each guy is different, but there are some similarity between most of the guys.

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