Monday, December 14, 2009


I am ssooo tired today. ): I can barely open my eyes and on top of that I still can't forget the argument I had with my mom last night! It was intense. It just put me in a really bad mood. I seem like I'm really pissed off or lack of life today. i just wanna sock whoever that is in my way. I think I will if someone really pisses me off. On a regular basis, I would just laugh it off or be like "Shut up!" Not today, guys! I'm surprised some people in first period are smart enough to not annoy me. (: Thank you guys! The day isn't anywhere near an end yet, and I already don't feel well. I needa go home and take a long nap. I also got really mad that I wasn't able to watch my tv show. When the last time I really watched tv?! Mom was like saying it's my fault that I'm always going out. Well, its not like its anything big. Why the fuck do I have to stay home all the time?! She really wants me to have no life or something. I'm outgoing, and you can't keep a person that likes to go out at home. It sounds a lot like jail. Seriously, I'm almost fucken 18. I'm like a legal adult and I'm not able to go out much. Are you kidding me?! WTF! Ugh, I hate that. If only I have my car now and drive to somewhere far, far away. LOL I'm kidding, but seiously though. I love those parents who are so laid back, and don't really worry about their children when they go out. Many people I know have parents like that. They are so lucky. Why can't my mom do that? She needs to calm down. It's not like I'm going out to do something illegal. All I'm doing is chillin' with people I want to hang with. I bet she's going to keep me at home til I'm 70! LMAO. Is it even possible?

I really don't understand why if I'm not nice, I come off as a bitch. If I am nice, people take advantage of that to walk all over.

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