Saturday, November 6, 2010

Walking down memory lane.

Lately, I've been walking myself down memory lane. There's only a certain path I take myself through. I honestly have no idea why I'm going back to those times. Yeah those were good times, but it's not so good when those feelings are coming back again. I know I'm complicated and sometimes I don't understand the things that I do either. I'm trying to figure myself out with the rest of the people that know me. I can do pretty unpredictable things like bringing back those memories that I don't want to go back for awhile because I know myself. If I start thinking about it, then I'm going to get those feelings back. It's really not that long ago that these things happened. It's only been about 5 months. Needless to say, I just can't get you off my mind. I may have convinced myself at one time that I'm over you, but I think I just pushed my feelings all the way to the back. Now these feelings are just surfacing back to the top and got me thinking about it again. I need to stop and get a reality check. I cannot think about about it again. It's going to take me longer to get over it once it comes back. 

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