Monday, November 8, 2010

10. Discuss your first love and first kiss.

Oh man...I really don't feel like discussing my first love that much. LOL But I'll talk about my first kiss. It was definitely not what I thought it to be. You know how you watch those romantic movies and such, yeah, it's nothing like that. I felt so happy. I might sound like a 10 year old crushing on a guy for the first time, but seriously that's how I felt. I was all giddy about it and I could not stop thinking about it for days. I'm not even kidding you. I can still think about it today as if it happened yesterday. The kiss was so unexpected even though I knew it was coming. Does that make sense? Well, I knew that night that the kiss would happen, but then I felt like I sorta held it off abit. I tried to change subjects. I wasn't avoiding it, I was just abit nervous. I'm sure he knew that I knew it was going to happen. The thing was I didn't know when it would happen. And when it did happen, it gave me the best feeling in the world. I felt like I was spinning even though I wasn't in love or anything. It definitely ended that night wonderfully. I could not have imagined it any other way.

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