Thursday, January 27, 2011

I love you?

Just came outta the shower, and my thinking caps are running a mile a minute. LOL!

He says "I love you" and expects a "I love you too" from you.

If this scenario happened to you, raise your hand. If he really did love you, he wouldn't need you to say it back to him. This is because he feels insecure about himself. He doesn't need reassurance if he really loved you. Sometimes it even means that he isn't truly there for you. He's there for just the words. If he did loved you, he wouldn't done something about that to show you that he loves you. As the saying action speaks louder than words. Someone can say they love you, but their heart may mean something else otherwise. Time has changed and generations have changed. People these days really don't know the meaning of love anymore. Many people, including myself, throw the word love around so easily. It's like the word 'bitch' and 'fuck' is in everyday language. If loving someone is so easy, then it wouldn't have to take some people lifetimes to find the person that they truly love.

I see young kids in sixth grade saying "I love you" to the ones they like. How do I know that it's like and not love? It's because 2 months later, they're already broken up. Little kids don't understand what love is. Even me whose in college, I still haven't figured out what love means.

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