Friday, September 24, 2010

First day of college.

Since everyone blogged about their first day of college, I would too even though my first day had been 3 weeks ago on August 30th. LOL! I still remember my first day cuz it was pretty chill. I only had one class my first day. So I had class at 3:25 PM and I woke up at like 11ish to get ready. It took me less than an hour. I went to school at like 2. It only took me about 20 minutes to drive there so I had plenty of time. Plus I thought I was going to get traffic on the way cuz I had to take the freeway to get to my college. Ends up there were no traffic whatsoever. So I decided to walk around and found my class easily. I was so bored and lonely. I waited for my friend, Desiree, to get out of class. I was hella bored, I practically walked all over the school consider the school wasn't that big. I bumped into 3 other people from my high school. I was surprised to see them. We chatted a bit but then they had class. So I decided to call up a friend. I sat at this umbrella table and chatted with her. Finally, Desiree got out of class. She walked me to class and there was this guy standing by the door. I thought we couldn't go in cuz there were a few other people standing outside. I was all peeking into the class to see if there's people. There was. The guy was like "You can go in." So I said bye to Desiree and stood around for a second. I asked the guy is he in that English class too and he said yeah. So then there were like 15 more minutes of class, I decided to walk down the hall, looking for a restroom. I had to pee so badly. Ends up there was a restroom just down the hall from my class. I was a happy camper. HAHA! Then, I just went into class and I decided to sit in the middle seat of the second row. Finally, it was time for class to start. My professor was Dr. Blue and indeed she was blue! LMFAO She was dressed all blue that day. What a great impression. Well, I guess you can say she was funny, but abit slow. Shhee ttaallks likkee thhiiisss. LOL Well yeah so she took roll and the class was pretty tiny. Not what I had expected from a college class. We only had like 28 students. I realized that there were only 2 Asians in the class. It was me and the guy I saw when I came in. Like 2/3 of the class were Armenians. After roll, she went through the syllabus. We needed to get our books by the next class time, Wednesday. Then, she reviewed what consisted of a 5 paragraph essay and called it a day after. I was like oh damn she's hella chill. We were only in class for a little less than a hour or a little more than a hour. It was so cool that we got to leave early. So then I just headed to the parking structure to get car and go home. On the way, I realized that the guy I saw outside my class was following me. I think he realized it too so when we got to the second elevator, he walked up the stairs instead. LOL! Btw, he's Filipino! ^_^V What a great day!

FYI: We became friends now! (:

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