Anyways, what should I ramble about? Hmm..so people have to realize that I can't always be nice. Just cuz I'm not nice, doesn't make me a bitch. I really hate that. I like helping people and I don't mind if someone asks a couple times for my help, but if it's excessively asking for the same thing, that is not called helping. I know when someone is taking too much advantage, but I don't say anything cuz people would be like "Wow, what a bitch!" I'm not the type of person who would say "no." The only exception is if someone always says no to me, then I'd say no back once in awhile. I hate being nice, but I don't mind at times. Sometimes, I think karma's a bitch. For example, I do things for my brother most of the time, but this ONE time I didn't help him. Then, when I need help from him, he'd say no just cuz of that ONE time I didn't help him. This happens with friends too. -.- I see that happen all the time. Just cuz I say no to someone once, they remember it til the end. How come they don't think of all the OTHER times I had helped him/her? It's really ridiculous. I mean seriously I've thought of never to help people again, but then in the end I still come around to helping people. I don't know why whenever I DO say no to someone, I feel guilty as if I did something wrong. :/ WTF?! I know right! This is so stupid. Well for one thing, I noticed I'm not as paranoid as I used to be. I'm proud of myself. I've learned to not care much about alot of things now. Sometimes I come off like I don't give a shiet, but most of the time I AM actually listening. It's pretty surprising because people think that just cuz I'm staring off into space, I'm not listening to what they are saying. I wish people don't judge me so fast. A lot of people underestimate me, and sometimes it makes me laugh seeing people's reaction when they see me do something they never expected me to do. I've actually did alot of things people can't imagine me doing and I don't blame them. I've hid it well enough. (: I really don't ask too much from people. All I want is to be respected. Please and thank you.
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