YEsss... Apparently, I have survived the first day of final. LOL. I only have one final today and we get to have partners. (: The next class is TA and I don't think I have anything better to do but to stare ar freshies take their bio final! We're getting out at 11:45 today! Wheee....It's supposed to rain today, but I see the sun instead! :D I'd pick the sun over the rain any day. But I was so expecting the rain and I even wore sweats just for the rain. -.- OH wellll... I stayed up til like 1ish yesterday texting some lame butt! ♥ (Like I'm going to study that hard) lmaooo. Imma panic study tomorrow or tonight. For some reason, I just don't feel like studying. I know I'm on the borderline in 2 classes. ): Sad life.
Dudee... I really really wanna watch both of these!

^ Amanada Seyfried looks like Dakota Fanning for some reason.
Chick flicks all the way! HAHAH. Did you know that Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift broke up? I did not know that. I barely found out yesterday. Man, I'm so lateeee. ): FML! HAHA
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