Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Currently addicted to this song! ♥
Bedrock Remix :D
I got this song stuck in my head cuz my brother was playing this song when I was napping. LOLL
Act of Kindness

Life has been passing by soooo past. Today, I finally got the courage to say "sorry" to someone I had offended awhile back. I was talking to another friend today, and she told me about the Rachel's challenge presentation that was presented at her school recently. She told me she had started to live up to it and about not holding grudges. Well, my personality is strong on holding grudges. I can't help it sometimes even though I had tried to just 'forget and forgive.' It just doesn't happen that easily. I can forgive, but it's most likely I can't forget. I would try, but it wouldn't last me for a few days. I remember when I heard the Rachel's challenge presentation. It was either in freshman/sophomore year. It was sad to hear about it and during that presentation, I remembered this one part where they told us to close our eyes and think of those people in our lives and what we would say to them if today was our last day. I seriously didn't think about it until i was reminded about it again. It makes more sense now. It's true everyone changes, and makes mistakes. People make stupid decisions, do stupid things, and hate the way things turns out to be. But if someone was to smile at you when you're having the crappiest day, it would surely make you feel alot better. I've experienced it before. You don't have to know the person, but as long as the gesture was sincere enough, it would make your day as well as the other person's day.
Honestly, I never just smiled at a stranger (maybe once in awhile I have had), but it wouldn't hurt to try. It's never too late to start. Sometimes I know I can say the meanest thing to people, but that's only cuz I'm mad or if I had learned that that person had done/said crap about me. It wears off after awhile, but I know I still say stuff that I really don't mean it. I think it takes too much energy to hold onto a grudge. People might think it's only fair that if that person wasn't nice, then why should they. So true, but there are ways to get around it. "Kill them with kindness!" <-- That's what someone told me once. And there are just people out there who are just plain mean.
Done with finals...

OMG. Finals actually passes by really, really, really fast. Today was the last day for finals and tomorrow's going to be a minimum day. Hmm... I know I screwed up on today's finals though! ): sad life. The hardest finals were today too. It was Government and Elementary Calculus. Seriously, 1st semester is over in one day and 2nd semester coming AND GRADUATING IN 5 MONTHS! OHHH crappppp. I'm scared, yet I'm excited. HAHA Even though I'm done with my finals, I still have this EPT test on Saturday, then driving test most likely on Monday.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Final day #1
YEsss... Apparently, I have survived the first day of final. LOL. I only have one final today and we get to have partners. (: The next class is TA and I don't think I have anything better to do but to stare ar freshies take their bio final! We're getting out at 11:45 today! Wheee....It's supposed to rain today, but I see the sun instead! :D I'd pick the sun over the rain any day. But I was so expecting the rain and I even wore sweats just for the rain. -.- OH wellll... I stayed up til like 1ish yesterday texting some lame butt! ♥ (Like I'm going to study that hard) lmaooo. Imma panic study tomorrow or tonight. For some reason, I just don't feel like studying. I know I'm on the borderline in 2 classes. ): Sad life.

Dudee... I really really wanna watch both of these!

^ Amanada Seyfried looks like Dakota Fanning for some reason.
Chick flicks all the way! HAHAH. Did you know that Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift broke up? I did not know that. I barely found out yesterday. Man, I'm so lateeee. ): FML! HAHA
Monday, January 25, 2010
Weird Dreams...
For the past couple days I have been having the weirdest dreams ever! LOL. I seriously can't even remember anything now. But I know that it was weird. It's really random too. I only remembered like whose in the dream, but the actual dream is forgotten. HAHAH. I even had a dream of someone I haven't talked in a long time. Weird right?! Yupp. I realized that whenever I'm like really tired I get these weird, random dreams whether I'm napping or sleeping at night. FML!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Fact # 12
I like to do my own manicures usually every week or when it's starting to chip. That does not mean I don't have a life!
Rain, Rain Go Away
Seriously, it has been raining the whole week! My black vans were wet from the rain and I can't wear it today and it's going to rain again today. ARG! Dude, it really should needa stop. It's Southern California, and usually it doesn't rain this much. We need the sun. My friend was saying she's a california girl so she doesn't have any warm clothing. I agree with her. Even I do have some warm jackets, but I still don't want to wear it cuz once you step into school, it's pretty warm. I wore some many layers today, I feel like a snowman. HAHA. I took off one of my jackets and now I feel much better. The weatherman said tomorrow the sun's going to come out and so is Sunday. *crosses fingers* Let's hope so! I don't like it when the weatherman lies to me.
-.- LOL Finals next week and I'm screwed for Government. I think that's the class I worried about cuz I'm nearly borderline. I want to study my ass off, but I know that I'm not going to know the stuff. I don't even know what I'm learning in that class, let alone passing the final. FML. Like seriously, I even fail the quizzes and its open notes! :O How pathetic. Yes, I know what people are going to say. "She's useless..yadayadayada." Whatever! -.- I don't give a crap about what people say. I just want my grade. I needa find a way where I can understand everything in 5 days. Literally.
-.- LOL Finals next week and I'm screwed for Government. I think that's the class I worried about cuz I'm nearly borderline. I want to study my ass off, but I know that I'm not going to know the stuff. I don't even know what I'm learning in that class, let alone passing the final. FML. Like seriously, I even fail the quizzes and its open notes! :O How pathetic. Yes, I know what people are going to say. "She's useless..yadayadayada." Whatever! -.- I don't give a crap about what people say. I just want my grade. I needa find a way where I can understand everything in 5 days. Literally.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Yesterday, I didn't do any of my homework! D: I don't know why. I was just not in the mood to do anything. I was so tired and just not feeling in the mood to do any of my homework. I came home and went online and then nap. When I woke up from nap, I went online again. I mean seriously, I think the rain is not exciting to me. -.- It kills everything. The sun only came out for about an hour before the sky went dark again! It's raining the whole week, so how am I going to practice on my driving???! LOL Stupid rain! UGH! I think I should do my homework now in period 1, but I'd rather blog than do it. I wonder if the rain plus that 3-Day weekend killed me. Heeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllppppppppppppppppp!
Finalsnextweek!!! AHHHHHHHHH.... :O
Finalsnextweek!!! AHHHHHHHHH.... :O
Monday, January 18, 2010
First off, I ALWAYS LAUGH! Secondly, that doesn't make me a maniac. I admit that I laugh all the time. Whether it's something offensive or it's actually something funny. Sometimes people ask me "Why do you laugh so much?" Seriously, I don't know how to answer this question myself. I just do. How about that? I laugh because I'm in an awkward situation. I laugh because the other person thinks he/she is funny and I don't want to make them feel uncomfortable by not saying anything. I laugh because I'm offended. I laugh because people can think that I'm laughing WITH them instead of AT them. I laugh because that's what I do. There is no mistake in doing so. It is my way of dealing with things. My laughing is not to deceive anyone nor am I putting up a mask. Seriously, it's the stupidest and most ridiculous thing I've ever heard about putting a mask by laughing. Everyone laughs, so does that mean they all put on a mask?! How stupid does that sound. Laughing is my thing and if you can't accept it, well you're not gonna be able to accept me.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Rain sucks!

Anyways, what should I ramble about? people have to realize that I can't always be nice. Just cuz I'm not nice, doesn't make me a bitch. I really hate that. I like helping people and I don't mind if someone asks a couple times for my help, but if it's excessively asking for the same thing, that is not called helping. I know when someone is taking too much advantage, but I don't say anything cuz people would be like "Wow, what a bitch!" I'm not the type of person who would say "no." The only exception is if someone always says no to me, then I'd say no back once in awhile. I hate being nice, but I don't mind at times. Sometimes, I think karma's a bitch. For example, I do things for my brother most of the time, but this ONE time I didn't help him. Then, when I need help from him, he'd say no just cuz of that ONE time I didn't help him. This happens with friends too. -.- I see that happen all the time. Just cuz I say no to someone once, they remember it til the end. How come they don't think of all the OTHER times I had helped him/her? It's really ridiculous. I mean seriously I've thought of never to help people again, but then in the end I still come around to helping people. I don't know why whenever I DO say no to someone, I feel guilty as if I did something wrong. :/ WTF?! I know right! This is so stupid. Well for one thing, I noticed I'm not as paranoid as I used to be. I'm proud of myself. I've learned to not care much about alot of things now. Sometimes I come off like I don't give a shiet, but most of the time I AM actually listening. It's pretty surprising because people think that just cuz I'm staring off into space, I'm not listening to what they are saying. I wish people don't judge me so fast. A lot of people underestimate me, and sometimes it makes me laugh seeing people's reaction when they see me do something they never expected me to do. I've actually did alot of things people can't imagine me doing and I don't blame them. I've hid it well enough. (: I really don't ask too much from people. All I want is to be respected. Please and thank you.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Lately, I don't have time to post. D: And last night I couldn't even go online cuz my Internet died. *sad face* Rain sucks! Each time it rains and there's a blackout, my Interent dies for a day. FML! I thought cable was a better company for Internet. Errr...
SO anyways, nothing much happened these couple days. Just a regular typical day at school. I can't think of a real good topic to talk about yet. Weekend coming. Is it me or did this week pass by a bit slower than usual? Some people are having their finals this week, but ours isn't until next, next week. My finals are so-so.
SO anyways, nothing much happened these couple days. Just a regular typical day at school. I can't think of a real good topic to talk about yet. Weekend coming. Is it me or did this week pass by a bit slower than usual? Some people are having their finals this week, but ours isn't until next, next week. My finals are so-so.
Period 1: Project & written final with partner
Period 2: TA :D
Period 3: Presentation and vocabulary test
Period 4: Writing test?
Period 5: Igotnoideawhatthecrapisourfinal, but it's everthing we learned and I suck at Gov! >:O
Period 6: Everything we learned throughout the semester.
Finals are on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. I gotta worry about Thursday and then next day is Minimum Day and then 3-DAY WEEKEND! Wheeeeee..... HAHA Oh crap, I still got my driving test. I wanna take it on the Monday of student holiday. Will I pass? I got no idea. I'm scared outta my pants. LOL But I want my license!!!!! Wow, my rambling came out to be pretty long. (:
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Today 1.11.10

And now I got a goddamn headache. -_____________-
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Dear Anonymous,
Dear Anonymous,
I really have to thank you for being there. Each time there's drama in my life, you were there to listen. You say things that make me laugh. You cuss at all the right places. HAHA. I don't need you to give me any advice or anything. Cuz all I need is for you is to listen to me and you do just that. You call to ask me how I'm feeling and I really appreciate that. Thanks for caring and listening to me. I know I ramble all the time, but you still continued to listen. Thanks a bunch!
Dear Anonymous,
Things changed cuz of you. It's a good thing though. Sometimes, I just have to be real patient, but I'm not a patient person usually. There's things that I don't like and I'm sure that you don't like some of the things that I do. But in the end, it all works out. That's all I have to say. Regardless of everything, we still manage through things. You're pretty awesome and I don't think I needa say more. It comes from the inside so no need to say too much.
Dear Anonymous,
I'm really happy that you still consider me a good friend. You still tell me deep hearted things that I wouldn't expect you to. I know you can still trust me. I'd appreciate that. We were like soo close when we first met and now we're like this____________________far. I'm sorry we lost a bit of connection after these couple months. It all happened cuz of this one incident and you were stuck in between my drama. It made me sad to see you take the other side. This is the only reason why we became more distant or more like I became more distant with you. I think I told you before that once I find you out you betrayed me, it's going to be hard to gain my trust again. I didn't know what you were thinking at the time. I promised that even if we don't talk much now doesn't mean in the future when we see each other, we're NOT going to just say hi and bye.
Dear Anonymous,
Each time we see each other, you make me laugh. You understand things when I tell you cuz you have experienced it. You tell me when someone hurts you, they're not worth my tears. I agree with you. I'm still standing cuz of your encouraging words. Thanks for helping me stand up on my two feet again.
Dear Anonymous,
We haven't talked for a long time. We say hi once in awhile. Sometimes, we walk bye each other, we don't even say anything. We used to be real close and now we're close to strangers. I don't think it's going to go back and I don't want to go back either. It's okei now. At least we say hi once in awhile, and that's what counts.
Dear Anonymous,
What happened to you? You sound like an alien when you speak your stupid logic. It does not make sense at all. You can't afford to lose, that's why you have to defend yourself like it's the end of the world. You're starting to sound like a physco. Maybe it's time for you to visit that mental hospital across the street from your house. You think that your dreams are going to take you somewhere. You think that people who become successful has nothing cuz in the end they are all going to die. What kind of world are you in? You say my laughter is a mistake. I think YOU'RE the mistake I have ever made. I made the mistake to even talk to you. I wasted hours of my life talking to you and letting you talk about some dumbass logic. What logic are you talking about? You are so complex. You're full of complexity. I cannot deal with such a complex person. If you're going to hurt people in your life, you're bond to get hurt one day. This is no lecture, but more of a "just to let you know." If you can't accept it, then it's your problem. When you fall flat on your face, don't say I didn't tell you so.
I really have to thank you for being there. Each time there's drama in my life, you were there to listen. You say things that make me laugh. You cuss at all the right places. HAHA. I don't need you to give me any advice or anything. Cuz all I need is for you is to listen to me and you do just that. You call to ask me how I'm feeling and I really appreciate that. Thanks for caring and listening to me. I know I ramble all the time, but you still continued to listen. Thanks a bunch!
Dear Anonymous,
Things changed cuz of you. It's a good thing though. Sometimes, I just have to be real patient, but I'm not a patient person usually. There's things that I don't like and I'm sure that you don't like some of the things that I do. But in the end, it all works out. That's all I have to say. Regardless of everything, we still manage through things. You're pretty awesome and I don't think I needa say more. It comes from the inside so no need to say too much.
Dear Anonymous,
I'm really happy that you still consider me a good friend. You still tell me deep hearted things that I wouldn't expect you to. I know you can still trust me. I'd appreciate that. We were like soo close when we first met and now we're like this____________________far. I'm sorry we lost a bit of connection after these couple months. It all happened cuz of this one incident and you were stuck in between my drama. It made me sad to see you take the other side. This is the only reason why we became more distant or more like I became more distant with you. I think I told you before that once I find you out you betrayed me, it's going to be hard to gain my trust again. I didn't know what you were thinking at the time. I promised that even if we don't talk much now doesn't mean in the future when we see each other, we're NOT going to just say hi and bye.
Dear Anonymous,
Each time we see each other, you make me laugh. You understand things when I tell you cuz you have experienced it. You tell me when someone hurts you, they're not worth my tears. I agree with you. I'm still standing cuz of your encouraging words. Thanks for helping me stand up on my two feet again.
Dear Anonymous,
We haven't talked for a long time. We say hi once in awhile. Sometimes, we walk bye each other, we don't even say anything. We used to be real close and now we're close to strangers. I don't think it's going to go back and I don't want to go back either. It's okei now. At least we say hi once in awhile, and that's what counts.
Dear Anonymous,
What happened to you? You sound like an alien when you speak your stupid logic. It does not make sense at all. You can't afford to lose, that's why you have to defend yourself like it's the end of the world. You're starting to sound like a physco. Maybe it's time for you to visit that mental hospital across the street from your house. You think that your dreams are going to take you somewhere. You think that people who become successful has nothing cuz in the end they are all going to die. What kind of world are you in? You say my laughter is a mistake. I think YOU'RE the mistake I have ever made. I made the mistake to even talk to you. I wasted hours of my life talking to you and letting you talk about some dumbass logic. What logic are you talking about? You are so complex. You're full of complexity. I cannot deal with such a complex person. If you're going to hurt people in your life, you're bond to get hurt one day. This is no lecture, but more of a "just to let you know." If you can't accept it, then it's your problem. When you fall flat on your face, don't say I didn't tell you so.
Friday, January 8, 2010
My right ear hurts. ): My third ear piercing to be specific. I have no idea why. I just see that its all red and when I touch it, it hurts. I'm scared to take out my earring because what if I take it out and my hole closes. I don't want that to happen. I don't think it's going to close that easily cuz I got this June/July? That's like about 6 months already. So I don't think it's infected. It just hurts. -_- I want to take it out, but what if I can't put it back cuz it hurts too much. LOL. I'm going to leave it. I decided to put on some anitseptic on it that they give you at Claire's after you pierce it. Hope it helps.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Fact # 6
Even though I always get disappointed, I still expect high expectations and end up being disappointed once again.
I can't study guys! I'm in 1st period right now and I have a test in 3rd period and I cannot concentrate at all. Maybe it's all cuz of the lockdown yesterday. HAHA. UGH! Helppppppppp.... Imma fail big time and I don't want another F for Fantastic. 2 tests the day after a lockdown is not that nice. -__- Why in the world would you kids bring a gun to school? You people are just insane...wasting our day like that. And the school is not giving any sympathetic points towards us. I know why. It's cuz they already lost alotta money yesterday and if they were to give us a day off or a shorter day, they're going to lose even more money. See how ghetto our school is. This sucks! My head hurts. I slept at like 2/3ish yesterday. I'm glad I took a nap, but I'm feeling light headed. I hope I don't know knock out in any classes especially during my calculus test. LOL. I don't know why I always tend to fall asleep during math tests. Don't ask why! :X Okei back to studying, hopefully.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
MKHS lockdown!
LOL. Keppel had a lockdown today. And it was effin retarded. It was so dramatic. There were 20 something popo cars, a squad team, and some helicopters. Some dude brought 2 guns to school and got caught. 2 other dudes got arrested for drugs. It was all over the news and we were all stuck in school for another additional 3 hours. I had to go pee badly, but all we had was this bucket with cat litter. HAHA. Gross right?! The bad thing was that I was stuck in a math class. And our teacher was like "Let's study for math." Like WTF right...-_- Ugh. I didn't pay any attention and I bet I'll fail. Now it's on the news and you can see people getting searched by the gym. No offense that was kinda funny. I was lucky our class didn't get searched. Apparently they were only seaching the classes that that dude was in throughout the day. The stupid thing was that right when it was after school, the narks came around n kicked us back into class. When the bell rang for lockdown, I was like "There's a fire drill." LOL that was hilirious! We have a Calculus test tomorrow and everyone kept telling the teacher to postpone it due to the lockdown and she was so freaken stubborn and she said no. -_______- What is she thinking?! We don't even have enough time to study. I also have another test tomorrow for International Business. Gawd! I don't wanna study, but if I don't Imma get another "F for Fantastic!" Sad life. ): We should get a minimum day tomorrow or something. It was funny how my friends from other schools were like asking what happened. Everyone's so curious and there are so many rumors going around. My friend was like in the class when that kid with the guns got arrested. Pretty intense! :O
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
"It’s the worst feeling in the world to love & hate someone all at the same time. And it’s hard to watch things change when all you want is for them to stay the same. It’s funny but stupid how you want everything & nothing at the same time. It’s crazy when you want to let go, but you keep holding on, & when you want to move on but you’re stuck right where you started. When feelings come and go & you can’t decide what you want. When you have so many things to say but you don’t know where to start. When you want them in your life so bad, but all you can do is push them farther & farther away. It’s so hard to think back to how things used to be & look at it now and realize that things are different & they may never be the same. You tell yourself it’s not worth it, but if it really didn’t matter, you wouldn’t spend so much time thinking about it."
Monday, January 4, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
School tomorrow!
OH NO! Tomorrow's school. I am so not ready to go back to school because well we just don't have have enough vacations. LOL. I swear Winter Break passes by real fast that I didn't even have to time to figure what I did these 2 weeks. Like seriously, I don't know what I did that was really fun or special. Well, there were some lazy days and some going out days. But 2 weeks is not enough.
Today's the last day before we all go back to school and I'm at my friend's house to have like a grill dinner. While we're waiting for her sister, I overheard her parents having an argument about a calender. Yeah, I know right. That was the funniest shiet ever. Her mom was like don't throw away my '09 calender and her dad was like we're in 2010. HAHA. And her mom was like the new year hasn't passed yet. I think she meant Chinese New Year. Did you guys know that Chinese New Year is on Valentine's Day?! LMAO. That is so awesome. Two holiday celebrations on one day, if you're Chinese. It's a time for red envelopes!!! Wheee.......XD
Today's the last day before we all go back to school and I'm at my friend's house to have like a grill dinner. While we're waiting for her sister, I overheard her parents having an argument about a calender. Yeah, I know right. That was the funniest shiet ever. Her mom was like don't throw away my '09 calender and her dad was like we're in 2010. HAHA. And her mom was like the new year hasn't passed yet. I think she meant Chinese New Year. Did you guys know that Chinese New Year is on Valentine's Day?! LMAO. That is so awesome. Two holiday celebrations on one day, if you're Chinese. It's a time for red envelopes!!! Wheee.......XD
My day.
I noticed I didn't blog much today. So nothing much happened today except went out with my family at 4ish. We went to buy some stuff and then went out to eat. I drove! I don't like driving with 2 adults in the car cuz when I was having a bit of trouble, both of them started talking and they were not saying the same thing. I had no idea who I was supposed to listen to and I got so confused. UGH! Anyways, I still can't park a car. When I do park, it's all crooked and it looks all weird. HAHA. Needa practice, practice, PRACTICE!!! :D
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Random shiet
Music is soothing. I think I rant wayy too much. I haven't written in my journal for 2 weeks. Yes, I keep a journal and I think that is absolutely alright. I wanna sleep, but I'm not tired. I don't want to go back to school. I want to take my driving test and pass it. I want a job not because of it's money but for the experience. I want to go to New York City. I want good grades. I hate it when people take everything so seriously. I don't like party poopers. I think I went through too much drama. I don't feel like I'm eighteen. It's 2:01 am! I still don't feel sleepy. Winter break went by wayy too fast. I wonder whose going to Winter Ball. I want to go to speed zone. I think people type "lol" on aim because they got nothing to say. I don't understand when guys say they're more emotional than us girls. I hold too much grudges. I can't forget the bad things that people do to me. I get paranoid real easily. I've been hurt so many times I can barely count. I want a cartilage piercing but I'm too scared. I think I'm allergic to a lot of things. I don't know why I laugh so much. I hate when people say "You have white hair" because I know I do. I actually want to live by myself. But at the same time I like being pampered. I noticed that I tend to say things at the wrong time at the wrong place. I want to go bungee-jumping one day. I like Twilight because it is surreal and nothing like that can happen in real life. I'm scared of all kinds of bugs period. I miss having a boy to talk about. I don't think there is anyone cute at my school. I think I changed a whole lot since 7th grade. I am the most average teenage girl you can ever meet. I used to think that I'm the only one with this life, but I realized there are girls like me dealing with the same shiet I'm dealing with. I can do the craziest things when I open up to people. I have friends that makes me feel confident. I also have friends that bring me down once in awhile. I don't have enough support. I feel like there's still people who are using me. I don't know why I still let them step all over me. I want to go on a vacation with just my closest buds. I say "sorry" way too much even if I was right. I doubt myself alot. I love giving advice to people. I wish I had a car right now. I hope this was interesting and sorry if it bored you. I think I'm starting to feel sleepy. Good nights!
Ask me questions!
I can't sleep ):
It's 1:44 am and I can't sleep. I woke up at 11ish and even took a tiny nap while watching the rose parade. I think I blogged way too much this winter break. I wonder who else reads this. I only told 2 people about this blog so I doubt that other people who read my blog will know who I am. So anyways what should I talk about? I need a topic but then sometimes I think I type too much. Is it boring?
So I noticed something I do that I find it kind of weird sometimes. People like to dress up when they go out for dinners or parties or stuff like that and when they're at school, they could care less of how they look like. I do exactly the opposite. Sometimes I come to school all dressed up, but if I was to go out with my friends, I don't dress as nice. Technically, there is no one at school to impress, but when I feel like it I go all out with my outfits. Then when there is a special occasion, I wear crappy clothes. People might go "Ohh..that's a nice outfit." but honestly, I look like a hobo. But I do my makeup extra nice even if I'm just going to grocery shopping cuz I got more time. On school days, I gotta rush and get my ass to school. I should save my "prettier" outfits for hangouts/dates rather than wasting it to wear at school. No one's going to care how nice my outfit is, so why do I bother?
So I noticed something I do that I find it kind of weird sometimes. People like to dress up when they go out for dinners or parties or stuff like that and when they're at school, they could care less of how they look like. I do exactly the opposite. Sometimes I come to school all dressed up, but if I was to go out with my friends, I don't dress as nice. Technically, there is no one at school to impress, but when I feel like it I go all out with my outfits. Then when there is a special occasion, I wear crappy clothes. People might go "Ohh..that's a nice outfit." but honestly, I look like a hobo. But I do my makeup extra nice even if I'm just going to grocery shopping cuz I got more time. On school days, I gotta rush and get my ass to school. I should save my "prettier" outfits for hangouts/dates rather than wasting it to wear at school. No one's going to care how nice my outfit is, so why do I bother?
Friday, January 1, 2010
First day of 2010.
I did not do anything special on my New Years. I actually watched the Rose Parade on tv, but I fell asleep after. LOL It's boring and I didn't get to see the float I helped with. :/ OH well... At least me and my fambam went out to eat. Two more days til school starts. ): That's not very exciting to hear cuz then finals is in 2 weeks. :X
^ Kuteee outfit!

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