two thousand and ten?
Thursday, December 31, 2009
New York Times Square
two thousand and ten?
Formspring me.
It is annoynomous. (: So ask away....
End of 2009.

New Year's Eve!
2009: In the Beginning
Where did you bring in the New Year? at home
Who were you with? my fambam
Did you kiss anyone at midnight? nopee
Did you make any resolutions? kindaa
2009: Your Love Life
Did you break up with anyone? nopee
Did you get anything for Valentine’s Day? don't think so
Did you meet anyone special? hmm nope
Did you fall in love? nahh
2009: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year? yeahh
Did any of your friendships end? yupp
Did you dislike anyone? uh hm
Did you make any new enemies? yes
Did you resolve any fights? nahh
Who were your closest friends? they should know who they are
Who did you grow apart from?quite a few ppl
2009: Your birthday
Did you have a cake?tiny ass one.
What did you do for your birthday? nothing.
Did you have a party? nahh
Did you get any presents? a couple
If so what was the best thing you got? hmm...idk
2009: All about you
Did you change at all this year? yeahhh
Did you dye your hair? yupp..XD
Did you get your hair cut? yupp twice i think
Did you change your style? in a way yes
Were you in school? yeahhh
Did you get good grades? hahah
Did you have a job? i wished i did
Do you drive? yeah but dont hav my license FML
Did you own a car? i got a future car waiting lmaoo
Did anyone close to you give birth? nopee
Did you move at all? nahh
Did you go on any vacations? actually no
Would you change anything about yourself now? yess
2009: Wrap Up
Is 2009 a good year? not so much in the beginning. but I'm getting the hang of it now. sadly the year is ending!
Did 2009 bring any new insights? ALOT! :O
Do you think 2010 will top 2009?i hope so
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Cindy's Birthday Party
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Day!
Today is so tiring. LOL. I woke up early to help my mom cook food and then I ended up making 8 lemon pies. We cooked for like hmm...6 hours? HAHA. Of course there were breaks in between. We ain't that crazy cooking nonstop. It was actually fun! I haven't cooked or baked in a while. It is hard work and it turned out pretty good. lmao. This Christmas I didn't have any presents to open cuz I already opened them long before Christmas came. (: It's okei though cuz my family don't have the tradition of opening gifts on Christmas Day. LOL And plus I didn't get much gifts this year. Let me list my gifts from the besterest to the not so best:
2. $25 LOL
3. Hello Kitty key cap thingy
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer,
Had a very shiny nose,
And if you ever saw him,
You would even say it glows! :D
Hope everyone have a very holly jolly Christmas! XD
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
Monday, December 21, 2009
Winter Wonderland

Disneyland is so pretty! The best time of the year to go to Disneyland is winter time. (: There are so many lights and so bright.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Winter Break! :D
I've never seen this picture of him before. LMAO. I just serched it up on google. (:
A Quote.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas presents.
So this morning, I came to school with Diana and we gave out gifts to "Party-pooper." And then we found "Dumbass" and I gave her a gift. Diana gave her a card and gift too. She looked at us for at least 5 seconds and then she said "Thank you!" It was so weird and I was like WTF. Excuse me?! It's kinda like a manner thing where you have to say these "magic words." I'm like in my mind, "Are you stupid or what?" She has no manners at all. And you know the sad part is, she never got me a birthday gift, but I spent so much on her. It sucks how I made her a surprise party and all she did was say "Happy Birthday" to me on aim. How fun is that right? I gave her like 100% and she returns with barely 5%. I don't know if this makes sense, but hopefully people get what I'm saying. Anyways, so me and Diana got this one girl a birthday present together. It costed around $30 and there it goes down the drain. She didn't get me a birthday present either. I spent so much. I was so nice I even made pillows. I was gonna make 6 but I ended up making cuz I was super tired and lazy. LOL! It was actually pretty looking. I wanted to make myself one too. But I got tired. Anyways, it's whatever I guess. I kinda volunteered to give out presents this year.
I really think that Party-pooper likes Stiffy. (: This is so random but funny.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Quotes & Bad Times
"Never put an effort into someone who won't put an effort in you."
And my quote is:
" Don't make someone your priority if they only make you an option."
It's the same meaning, but with different wording. I believe this is really true especially when I've been hurt so many times. People who didn't know me before would never know what I have went through. The ironic thing is the other day in Government class, we were discussing on a topic that triggered me to think back to my elementary years. When my teacher was saying how it's sad for 8th graders to go through "cyber-bullying," I was like OH yeah? Well, think of what it would feel like if a 7th grader went through all those cyber-bullying AND gossips AND written notes. I was like thinking why didn't I know that it's cyber-bullying back then. Why didn't I report it to the school and they might've stopped by now regardless how much they hate me? After that incident, I finally figured that what they had done to me is literally bullying my emotions. They hurt me in every possible way, emotionally. I was emotionally attacked and I didn't know what to do. As many people say, "Let the past be the past." BUT as much as I want it to be the past, I will always remember it. AND, another ironic thing is that 2 people that were involved are in my Government class listening to that exact discussion. I looked over and one of them looked at me at the same time. And she had her head down the rest of the time. She won't feel ashamed either way so why did she look down?! Near the end, the teacher was like "99% of you guys would never do such a thing right?" He paused and it was dead silent. I cleared my throat and then he's like "Or maybe that 1% of you guys would do it." How ironic right?! Yeah I know!
Monday, December 14, 2009
I really don't understand why if I'm not nice, I come off as a bitch. If I am nice, people take advantage of that to walk all over.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Recently, I haven't been feeling well. It's not that I'm getting sick, but it's an emotional thing. I don't know what I'm feeling. I can't explain that feeling. Sometimes, I would wanna sock someone in the face and sometimes I'm like really happy and cheerful. Am I going into mood swings? LOL. I better not go thru that depression again. Ugh, Winter Ball really makes me think about that all over again. I wish there would be a better memory to replace. I doubt that would happen though. ): It sucks.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Honestly, I don't want it to be my birthday yet. I don't wanna turn 18 cuz if I turn 18 everything's gonna be different for me. I would actually be legal! That thought kinda scares me. I have to follow the law like adults. I'm old enough to buy cigarettes, BUT that doesn't mean I will. That's something I would NEVER do. OH I can vote now too. HAHA. That would be fun. Hmm..what else can I do? I know! I can go clubbing! :D I think I can go into a casino too right? I'm not sure. And hopefully, I can pass my driving test too. However, that's gonna be later on. Probably not until next year is when I will go take the driving test. Thinking about it makes me nervous. ):

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
So Close Yet So Far...
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Boring Day.
I can't wait for Christmas to come. But I wonder if I'm doing anthing this year. Winter Break is in 2 weeks. I can't wait though.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Those "quiet" ones...
Okei so at night I was chatting with a friend, "D." So, somehow we ended up talking about this other friend mentioned above, the one that ate her lunch and left. Then, I don't know how it began, and he was telling me that I should put in a effort to make a good conversation with her that would last. First of all, she's the one that's always killing the conversation. She can't carry on a good convo either. I mean I would start talking randomly, and all of a sudden I would lose her cuz she either goes into another topic or says something really stupid. Seriously, is that all you got? Ugh, then "D" starts telling me all these things that all signs points to him taking her side rather than listening to me. How fustrating! He made me wanna strangle him right then and there. Too bad he wasn't there in my face or I've might've kicked him in the balls. LOL! I mean cmon why would you even sympathize her if you "don't talk to her much." You're just bullshieting me like that. I'm not an idiot, so I can tell when you're lying or when you're not. Geez. He said alot of offending things. Even though he goes "just kidding, " I really don't think so. He meant what he said in the first place. He tells me to go try to be friends with her. HAHA funny, I tried. I pulled her aside and asked her what's wrong. She just bullshiet me the whole way. Thanks! -_-
SO here's the not so exciting part. Even though throughout this whole convo with "D" was not fun or interesting AND he kept making me wanna just slap him on the face to give him a wake up call. Anyways so near the end, I asked him why his friends always stare at me and my friend with these creepy stares. When I mean creepy, I mean like scary and weird and awkward. LOL. So he tells me don't automatically assume the worst, and why can't I assume a good thing like "they look at you guys cuz you guys are cute or hot..." :OO ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Can you imagine a bunch of nerds thinking girls are hot or cute? WOAH. NOW that's what I call creepy people. Thinking about makes me have nightmares. I'm serious. Not to be mean, but seriously, maybe they should like stop! I thought all nerds just think about is their school life, like homework, classes, and grades. They think about girls too?! Wow...impressive! I'm scared now.
***So girls be careful if there's a nerd sitting next to you in class. You might think that they're reading a book, but they could be staring at you when you hardly notice. LMAO!
Quotes&Pictures (:
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blackout & Randomness
Monday, November 30, 2009
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye."
Sunday, November 29, 2009
One meaning with many words to describe.

Selfish. Self-centered. Self-indulgent. Stingy. Narcissistic. Egotistic. Self-absorbed. Snobbish. Stuck-up. Vain. Bragging. Boasting. Opinionated. Haughty. Over-bearing. Conceited. Obssessive. Pompous. Supercilious. Self-involved. bossy. Cocky. Brat. Too proud. Showy. Disdainful. Smug. Imperious. Cavalier. Insolent. Vainglorious. Know-It-All. Peremtory. Snotty. Egocentric.
- Only thinks of oneself.
- Always talks about me, myself, and I.
- Wants everything for themselves.
There's people out there that actually think of themselves like that. They just don't notice that they're doing that, but outsiders think that they're very self-absorbed with themselves. I wonder if they ever feel tired of talking about themselves. Hmm...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Black Friday (:
I took a long nap after that cuz I was soo dead tired. Slept til 6 then mom woke me up to eat dessert and then I went back to sleep until like 10ish and showered and back to sleep. LOL
So this morning I had to wake up early cuz my new driving instructor was coming @ 10. I drove around MPK. Then went to San Gabriel. It was okay but I got nervous in the beginning. It took some time to get used to braking and putting on gas. It was a 2 hour lesson and it was okay i guess. I know I need more lessons tho. But I wanna take my driving test before the new year comes. Hmm..we'll see. XP Another driving lesson tmr!
OH YEAH I still never got a purse. ): so sad.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I can see how much time I wasted on you cuz each time you just took it for granted. I'm never gonna look out for you cuz you don't need it. Have fun finding someone else whose gonna reach out and help you.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Currently Listening to: Forever In My Life
OH guess what? Finally, I finished all my college apps. What a relief! :D Now all I have to do is wait for replies which is in another few months.
So, my birthday is coming up. It's the BIG 18. Should I celebrate it? I kinda want to but then I want people to help me out. I mean what's so fun planning your own party? I will definitely pay my own things and all but I need a planner. Maybe I should just hang out with my close friends and hopefully find something fun to do. LOL last comment for someone:

After this, I am going to try not to care or worry about you anymore. You don't care so do you expect me to either?
OH yeah so there's these crazy people in my class talking about "kings" ROFL. I'm kidding guys! But it was funny and the "Down" song by Jay Sean. ): someone killed the song. I'm sad now.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Currently Listening: Fireflies- Owl City