Selfish. Self-centered. Self-indulgent. Stingy. Narcissistic. Egotistic. Self-absorbed. Snobbish. Stuck-up. Vain. Bragging. Boasting. Opinionated. Haughty. Over-bearing. Conceited. Obssessive. Pompous. Supercilious. Self-involved. bossy. Cocky. Brat. Too proud. Showy. Disdainful. Smug. Imperious. Cavalier. Insolent. Vainglorious. Know-It-All. Peremtory. Snotty. Egocentric.
- Only thinks of oneself.
- Always talks about me, myself, and I.
- Wants everything for themselves.
There's people out there that actually think of themselves like that. They just don't notice that they're doing that, but outsiders think that they're very self-absorbed with themselves. I wonder if they ever feel tired of talking about themselves. Hmm...
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