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I finally finished shopping for Christmas. YAY! (: All I have to do is purchase the last gift and I'm stress free! HAHA. I think December is passing by soo fast. Is it me or what?! It's like almost my birthday then it's gonna be Christmas then it's gonna be New Year's Day. I actually like December cuz there are so much things going one. Winter Break is something that I'm looking forward to cuz it's gonna be 2 weeks of no school. I get to sleep in! LOL. My mom was like she wants to have a Christmas party. She's funny. I thought she don't like to have parties at home cuz she gotta clean up after. Is she outta her mind? LOL But that would be fun though. We haven't had a party at home for a long time. The last time we had a party was..hmm..when it was my 12th birthday? Or was it 10th? I forgot. But I know it's been a very long time. If we do have one I wouldn't mind helping her cook! (: I wonder who she would invite though. It's free food who wouldn't wanna come? LOL. Honestly, I don't want it to be my birthday yet. I don't wanna turn 18 cuz if I turn 18 everything's gonna be different for me. I would actually be legal! That thought kinda scares me. I have to follow the law like adults. I'm old enough to buy cigarettes, BUT that doesn't mean I will. That's something I would NEVER do. OH I can vote now too. HAHA. That would be fun. Hmm..what else can I do? I know! I can go clubbing! :D I think I can go into a casino too right? I'm not sure. And hopefully, I can pass my driving test too. However, that's gonna be later on. Probably not until next year is when I will go take the driving test. Thinking about it makes me nervous. ):
The meaning of purple roses are hilarious! "Purple roses represent majestic glory and can symbolize eternal love, while lavender roses signify love at first sight or the beginning of true feelings. Deep purple roses should be reserved for intimate situations." But I still think they're pretty. I don't mind the meaning of it. (: It's pretty expensive though for a bouquet of flowers. I wouldn't want anyone to spend so much on me when it's gonna die after. LOL. I think there's a way to save the roses though.
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