Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Be careful

"So he texts you good morning that’s cute.  He lets you know when he gets off work? quite sweet. He calls you goodnight? wow you must feel special.  Your phone vibrates and you get an I miss you in the middle of the day, how thoughtful. Its almost like a daily routine huh?  I bet you’re starting to fall, so let me ask you this: are you sure you’re the only one? You have to realize that not everyone takes everything the same way. Something to you might mean nothing to someone else. Why you always end up getting hurt? because you assume things, you come up with these he doesn’t have to say it its obviously there bullshit for yourself and end up leading yourself on and then what, you get mad at him when you catch him talking to someone else? Did he ever say you guys were something? If not well then there you go.
Some people just like to flirt, they’re not necessarily trying to get anywhere, unless they tell you you’re going somewhere don’t take yourself there because you’ll end up losing yourself on your way there trying to figure out mixed directions."

I can't reblog Tumblr posts so I'll just link you guys.
Anyways, yeah seriously that's what happened, but I'm glad I was able to pick myself up before I fell too quickly. But I knew in the back of my mind that it wasn't going to be what I want it to be cuz if there's one, there's going to be two or three or four. Which there was. LOL!

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