Wednesday, November 24, 2010

19. Disrespecting your parents.

I don't think it's good to disrespect our parents because they are the ones that raised us and helped us with our problems whenever we are in trouble. They support us in what we do and provide us with food and shelter. They always try to do everything for our own good. We should never take them for granted because they are the ones that brought us to life.
There are only various cases where us, kids, will disrespect our parent/parents. There are some not so good parents out there.
However, I've witnessed some of my friends who disrespect their own parents constantly. I find it really hard to accept it at some point. I have seen a friend who constantly yells at her dad as if he's a maid or something. She treats him like shiet and makes him do things just cause she needs/wants something. For example, she asked her dad to get her Mickey Dees cause she was craving it. I've seen another friend who constantly yell at her mom. Just because her mom don't listen to her well, doesn't mean she have to yell at her. I saw that when she yells at her mom, her mom becomes even more frightened that her mom is more likely to do something wrong. For example, if her mom makes a wrong turn, and she yells at her mom, then her mom will likely run a red light.

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