Tuesday, November 30, 2010

21. One of your favorite shows.

Hmm... I hardly watch tv now. I'm always watching it online or just on the computer in general. I used to love watching "The Hills" before it ended. During the time when I was watching it, everything was so relateable to my life especially the last season. It was on during summertime and all the drama and things that went down on that show was almost exactly the same that was happening to me. Although I know this "reality show" was scripted, I still feel like I'm in their positions. It helped me through some of my problems when I was watching how the characters dealt with the same problems. I definitely love watching this show. I wonder if they're going to have season 4....

Which one shall I get next?

Look what I got today..keke ♥

More to come...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

20. How important you think education is.

I remember ever since I was able to comprehend things, my mom would tell me school is very important. As I grew older and the ecomony went worse, my mom kept drilling in my head that my education is all for my future. I need to do well to succeed later in life. Well now as I'm older, I realized that it's very true. Without an education, how far exactly can you get? Yeah there may be very lucky people who don't need to go to college to get a well paid job, but that is rare! Things are not as easy as it used to be. Things are going to harder and harder and competition is going up. It is like survival of the fittest out there in the real world. People fight for jobs. People betray others to get a raise. People stab others' backs to get better pay. Etc... I'm sure if I didn't get a good enough knowledge on things I don't think I will be able to get to the best. So now I don't take my education for granted. Even though there'll be times where I'm like "Ugh I don't want to go to school" or I may slack off and procrastinate, I still want to do well or at the least do my best. I don't want to give up on school and my education because I've worked very hard to get to where I am. I'm also thankful that I'm able to have an education.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

You should consider this since you have more than 2.

"If you can’t choose between two girls,choose the second one.Because if u really loved the first girl,you wouldn’t have noticed the second."

Sometimes, I think of texting you.

“I hate when someone becomes apart of your daily routine, it’s hard to adjust once you stop talking. They end up being all you think about”.

Friday, November 26, 2010


So you know how back in high school you have haters or whatnot. There are also people who you don't like and things like that. I have to admit I had quite a bit of haters and I didn't like some people too. Anyways, so today I was working and I saw this girl I didn't like this one girl because of the stupidest reason. We never talked after, but today we saw each other and we both pretended we didn't know each other. My job was to bring guests inside the store so as she walked by I got her to come in and she asked some questions and stuff. I answered her and treated her like all the other guests. I feel like in a way it's kind of like starting over. I mean I talk to a lot of strangers and it feels good to be able to put away all the high school drama and start fresh. I really don't care if she has anything to say behind my back cuz well, I won't be there to hear it. As long as when she's talking to me directly, she doesn't give me attitude and whatnot. This goes out to all my other haters or people I had drama with or things like that.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Uh Oh!!!

Shoot me! I think I'm starting to miss you again. However, I don't want to talk to you if you're just going to talk about what you want and not what I want. FML! I hate this.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

19. Disrespecting your parents.

I don't think it's good to disrespect our parents because they are the ones that raised us and helped us with our problems whenever we are in trouble. They support us in what we do and provide us with food and shelter. They always try to do everything for our own good. We should never take them for granted because they are the ones that brought us to life.
There are only various cases where us, kids, will disrespect our parent/parents. There are some not so good parents out there.
However, I've witnessed some of my friends who disrespect their own parents constantly. I find it really hard to accept it at some point. I have seen a friend who constantly yells at her dad as if he's a maid or something. She treats him like shiet and makes him do things just cause she needs/wants something. For example, she asked her dad to get her Mickey Dees cause she was craving it. I've seen another friend who constantly yell at her mom. Just because her mom don't listen to her well, doesn't mean she have to yell at her. I saw that when she yells at her mom, her mom becomes even more frightened that her mom is more likely to do something wrong. For example, if her mom makes a wrong turn, and she yells at her mom, then her mom will likely run a red light.

Give thanks.

Another year  is coming to an end and more things for me to give thanks to. I am so thankful for everything from family to the clothes I get to wear to the house I get to sleep in to the friends that I love. This year I have more things to be thankful for. I am thankful that I'm able to graduate high school. I'm thankful for being able to go to college. I'm thankful to have money to pay for college and books. I'm thankful to be able to get a job in the summer so I can save up money for myself. I am thankful to have my own car. I am thankful to meet new friends at school. I am thankful for doing well on my first interview hence I got a job on my own. There are so much that I'm thankful for. I'm just happy that I have the things I have right now because there are people out there that don't have what I have and I'm thankful for that.

Hope everyone have a wonderful feast tomorrow and pig out on turkey! ♥

Hey guys,

Sunday, November 21, 2010

18. Your beliefs.

I believe in KARMA!
I don't believe in 'forever&always.'
I believe in what comes around, goes around.

&that's it for now.

Winter outfit.

Love always and last forever?

I don't think so. After seeing so many friends saying "I love you forever" to their partners, then ends up breaking up at the end makes me think there's no such thing as "forever." Honestly, a human being canNOT live forever anyways so how can you love someone forever? I remember I always say that you can only love someone forever if you're like Edward Cullen. Of course, this is all fictional, but you get the idea. If you ask me, I would say no I don't believe in forever. Sometimes I come to a point where I don't really believe that love exists within us. Many people can be naive about love when they get their first boyfriend/girlfriend. It's that puppy love kinda thing, you know? There are other people who choose to believe in love just to be in love. Does that make sense? I hope so because what I'm trying to say is there's no such thing as forever. Next time, if your lover says "I love you always and forever" be careful. Just don't put your 100% on those words because if you end up getting hurt, those are the words that killed you in the first place. It's one thing to say it, but it's another thing to believe it. Even if you were definite that you're going to marry this person, there are such things as divorces. I hate seeing people get sad over breakups and then dwell on the things that their partners say about how they'll love you forever and stuff like that. Some of us just like to say it where some of us just likes to hear it.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


So today I came across an old friend's tumblr. I haven't talked to her in such a long time. We used to be pretty close, but now we've became friends to the point where you only say "Hey" "How've you been?" "Good" "Bye." As I was reading about her stuff,  it made me think. I guess her boyfriend and her broke up recently and stuff went down. It made me think of what she did to her ex. I remember she broke his heart and to this day, I have no idea if she had cheated on him cuz she said no, but from what he said, it seemed as if she did. He really "loved" her as so he said. At the time, I didn't think that it's possible, but anything is possible right? Yeah, he was heartbroken for months and months and I stood by him the whole time. I felt so horrible seeing him feel that way cuz I couldn't do anything to ease his pain and yet I was still her friend. Slowly, me and her faded as friends and we both changed. I was still his friend though just trying to cheer him up every single day. Those days were crazy. I don't know. Well the thing is, she's heartbroken right now or something like that and as mean as it sounds right now, I feel like it's karma.

I really don't want to say karma strikes back, but doesn't it seem like it? I knew that karma existed, but I really never see it until it actually hit somebody. I feel like I'm such an asshole right now for saying this, but it's the truth. Truth is always hard to say because of how people's feelings would be hurt. But since neither of them would read this (hopefully), this is how I see it. I still consider her as my friend, it's just we're not close anymore and things changed. We both changed, no doubt.

Friday, November 19, 2010

LOL wanna know something?

I broke all 4 rules for one person. ): This is not good!

1. We kissed, but we weren't committed to each other.
2. I expected too much instead of just hoping.
3. I did not love, but I liked him when he was taken.
4. I fell for my friend. FML!


For you,

So after that day you texted me, we haven't talked since. For some reason, it doesn't bother me at all. I must say it feels pretty good not to dwell in your shiet anymore. I haven't thought about a time when you're going to text me or whatever. I like it. I can't say for sure how I'm feeling about you, but I can tell you I really don't care about you as much. I don't know if I still care for you if something was going to happen to you, but now I know you're not feeling too happy about some things and I don't seem to care as much. I used to feel bad for you or like have the feeling to ask you what happened and are you ok. Now, it just crosses through my mind once and it's gone.
Yes, you're still my friend yet I want some space from you. I like being your friend until you go out of line. I may be sounding a bit mean and little too harsh right now, but I'm just trying to protect myself. I don't want to get hurt again. I hope you understand.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

17. Your highs and lows of this past year.

I will start from lows to highs. The only thing is there weren't any lows that I can think of this year. I can't think of a single thing that made me sad whatsoever. This whole year up til now it feels like a train ride. Slow and steady. As for the highs, there were a few here and there. It's mostly during the middle of the year, around May, June, and July. Those times were pretty good. I mean first there was prom then there was graduation from high school. It's been good. I swear it was way better than last year. No joke. Actually, Freshman and Sophomore were all better than my Junior year. It was just a nightmare. Anyways, this year hasn't ended yet. There's still about a month and a half to go til we hit 2011. Oh my, time has passed by so fast. Even though this year didn't really feel too exciting, there were good memories that I made with my friends. I liked it and these are the memories I will never ever forget until I die or if i get Alzheimer's. LOL! Regardless, I am content with this year and the things that had happened.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This is the way I feel about you.

I want you but I don’t need you, I miss you but I don’t like you, I despise you but I admire you.

Monday, November 15, 2010

16. Your views on mainstream music.

Well, I listen to mainstream music. Yes most of the songs are pretty repetitive especially on the radio. The lyrics are all about sex, drugs/drinking, and love. Honestly, I don't care too much about it. Usually when I like a song, it is because of it's beat not cuz of the lyrics. I never pay attention to the lyrics until I really like the song, then I go look up the lyrics. I listen to all types of music, but most of them are mainstream. Just look at my ipod. It is filled with mainstream music. And I really don't care what other people have to say.

15. Your favorite bloggers**

I only like a few and the rest are my friends.


Saturday, November 13, 2010


I don't know why but I feel very unmotivated right now. I don't feel like doing any school work or anything period. I know I should start on my English research paper, but I don't feel like starting at all. I already didn't go to class last week. I cannot not go to class this week. This is so bad. Someone help me! All I want to do is sit at home in front of my computer in my pjs. I don't even feel like going out with my friends. I supposingly have plans with my friend today, but I just don't want to go out at the moment. I feel comfortable the way I am right now and I don't want to go change and put on makeup to go out. I'm just lazy period. :/ First semester haven't even passed by yet and I am feeling like this. This is not going good. I need to pick it up very soon!

14. Your earliest memory.

My earliest memory?? Hmm...this is a very hard one because I have a pretty bad memory. And I don't want to use a memory that my mom fed me to. Does that make sense? Like I don't want to think back and remember something because my mom told me this happened. I want to actually remember it. I think this is a memory I remember. So back in preschool, I was the youngest person there because I wasn't quite old enough for school, but my mom still found a preschool that'd accept me. It came out that these kiddies are a year older than me now in school year. Like I'm a freshman in college whereas they are a sophomore. Anyways, so I was a very shy and timid girl back then. I was like a "mouse." That's what my grandparents called me because I would not make a single noise when I'm outside. So one day there was this mean girl, I don't know what reason it was, but decided to bully me. She took off her shoe and slapped it across my face. Of course I cried so this resulted in the teacher calling both our parents in. I don't remember what happened after that, but I do remember the girl "dogged" me when we were leaving for getting her in trouble. Yeah this is such a sad story that I can remember LOL! But hey it actually helped me learned a lesson and I gained so much more confidence. I'm sure if I ever came across this girl now, she would not have a chance to even touch me cuz trust me I will fight back. I am not that little "mouse-y" girl anymore that would let anyone step all over her. I've changed for the better and it's good thing. However, I went through so much to become who I am today. I think it was worth it cuz if it wasn't for all those pains and sufferings I had, I would not have became stronger today.

13. Somewhere you’d like to move to or visit.

I'd definitely want to visit Hawaii and Paris. Hawaii is such a pretty place for vacation and relaxing. As for Paris, it is the fashion world there. I want to shop there and just enjoy everything. But on the most part, I think I would want to travel the world. Oh a new place I discovered that I want to travel to is Australia. Specifically, Sydney. I don't know why. I just think it's really pretty and nice there. (:

Too yummmmy!!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I get all happy and giddy when I see a text from you, but before I calm down, you already stopped texting me. Why do you do that? Next time you text me, I am going to put a guard up just so I won't be disappointed anymore. ):


I just want to pretend to be drunk to see if you'd take advantage of me. Sometimes I feel like all you want is one thing. I am not fond to be your friend anymore if all you seek from me is that.

Seriously, you've done one to many times of this but never meant it...I'm tired!

“I’m Sorry” is a statement. “I won’t do it again” is a promise. “How do I make it up to you” is a responsibility. Mean it.

12. Bullet your whole day.

  • Woke up at 10
  • Desiree texted me
  • Got ready to meet Desiree at Keppel
  • Went into Keppel to get transcipts
  • Headed to Subway for lunch with Desiree
  • Went to school
  • Waited for class to start where Desiree realized she forgot to get her soda at Subway LMFAO
  • Took notes and tried to pay attention in class
  • Went to the library to chill
  • Finished my subway in a sneaky way
  • Went to Accounting class
  • Chatted with Crista
  • Took notes and got test back
  • Drove home
  • Got ready for the gym
  • At the gym, did elliptical for an hour and half
  • Came home
  • Showered
  • Watched Amazing Race online
  • Texted Jorel, Wendy, Desiree
  • Typing this
  • Am going to sleep soon.

Monday, November 8, 2010

11. Put your iPod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.

  1. The Sweet Escape-Gwen Stefani
  2. Beautiful Monster- Ne Yo
  3. Get On The Dance Floor- Ciara
  4. Cool- Gwen Stefani
  5. Get It Shawty-Lloyd
  6. Your Love-Nicki Minaj
  7. Halo-Beyonce
  8. Already Gone-Kelly Clarkson
  9. Leavin'-Jesse McCartney
  10. Temperature-Sean Paul

10. Discuss your first love and first kiss.

Oh man...I really don't feel like discussing my first love that much. LOL But I'll talk about my first kiss. It was definitely not what I thought it to be. You know how you watch those romantic movies and such, yeah, it's nothing like that. I felt so happy. I might sound like a 10 year old crushing on a guy for the first time, but seriously that's how I felt. I was all giddy about it and I could not stop thinking about it for days. I'm not even kidding you. I can still think about it today as if it happened yesterday. The kiss was so unexpected even though I knew it was coming. Does that make sense? Well, I knew that night that the kiss would happen, but then I felt like I sorta held it off abit. I tried to change subjects. I wasn't avoiding it, I was just abit nervous. I'm sure he knew that I knew it was going to happen. The thing was I didn't know when it would happen. And when it did happen, it gave me the best feeling in the world. I felt like I was spinning even though I wasn't in love or anything. It definitely ended that night wonderfully. I could not have imagined it any other way.

I have decided...

...that I am not going to English tomorrow. I am too overwhelmed right now. Even though there isn't much for me to do these days, I feel tired of stuff. I am going to take a break tomorrow. LOL I'm just making an excuse. It's cuz its 12:35 AM right now and I haven't even started my outline for my essay so I am giving myself a break and skip class. (: I don't know what to write and I don't have the motivation to start so right now.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Walking down memory lane.

Lately, I've been walking myself down memory lane. There's only a certain path I take myself through. I honestly have no idea why I'm going back to those times. Yeah those were good times, but it's not so good when those feelings are coming back again. I know I'm complicated and sometimes I don't understand the things that I do either. I'm trying to figure myself out with the rest of the people that know me. I can do pretty unpredictable things like bringing back those memories that I don't want to go back for awhile because I know myself. If I start thinking about it, then I'm going to get those feelings back. It's really not that long ago that these things happened. It's only been about 5 months. Needless to say, I just can't get you off my mind. I may have convinced myself at one time that I'm over you, but I think I just pushed my feelings all the way to the back. Now these feelings are just surfacing back to the top and got me thinking about it again. I need to stop and get a reality check. I cannot think about about it again. It's going to take me longer to get over it once it comes back. 

I just want to be up high...

9. How you hope your future will be like.

I definitely want to be happy and healthy. I want to pursue in a career I really want. I want to meet new friends and reunite with ones from now. I want to go out and have fun and do whatever suits me. I want to have a stable relationship. I hope I don't become what I don't want to me. I want to have enough money to support myself and a little extra to help people here and there. I'm ready to see where life takes me. This is going to be one long adventure. Last but not least, I definitely want to have my own dog!

Are you serious?

Based on a psychological study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds, you are already in love.

*If this was true, then I'd fallen in love one too many times. D: Okay, maybe not that many times, but still there were quite a few. Hmmm...5?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

8. A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.

To be honest, I've never had a time where I'm like I'm happy the way I am. I always wanted more and that usually leads to disappointment. But if I was to think back and look at my life as of now, I'd say I've been satisfied with my life all along. I almost always get what I want material wise. I do things because I want to. I got clothes to wear, a house to live in, a family to love me, friends that I can chill with, food to eat when I'm hungry, etc. There's definitely a lot of people out there who don't have one or more of the things I've mentioned. I think I should be satified with my life and thankful that I can be where I am today. I know there will be times where I'd get upset because I don't have something, but those are minor things. It will pass. For example: I don't have a boyfriend, but I'm not going to die because I don't have one. Living the single life is way better than committing sometimes. It's temperary at times. So we just need to live life as it is. If we get something then we take it, but not for granted because you never know what might happen. We just have to be satisfied with our lives and how things came out to be the way it is. We will not get what we want all the time, so we just gotta deal with it and move on with our lives because the world would not stop just because your sad or you don't have an A in a class. Just live life to the fullest and live on.

When I get bored...

...all I do is think about you. I think about it and wonder if I should text you, but then I tell myself no because I want you to text me instead. Then I go to your profile and just stare at your picture cuz that's the closest thing to what I can look at because I miss you. After all these times, I still find myself thinking about you and wanting to go back to that one special night. That was the night I felt like a princess. I felt special to you. It is the most memorable time I have had. I cannot thank you enough, but there's nothing I can do now. I can replay everything as if it was yesterday.