Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Okei like seriously it's starting to get really annoying when people constantly make me decide on what to do when we hang out. First of all, you guys are the ones that asked me to hang out with you, so I'm thinking you have something in mind on what to do. When I ask people "What do you want to do?" all I get for an answer is "I don't know" or "Whatever you like." Seriously?! I mean it seems as if you don't put an effort to wanting to hang out with me. If you don't care, so why should I? At least when I ask someone to hang out, I give out a suggestion. Sometimes when people tell me to decide, they end up not even liking my suggestion. So why can't you make a suggestion then? Geez! This is like annoying the fuck outta me right now. Especially this week when I'm trying to cram everyone into my schedule before school starts for me. D: Yes I will try to make time for those who are worth it, but if you're not willing to put in an effort don't expect me to either. I'm sorry, but as harsh as this sound it just might be the reality. I really don't like undecisive people. And I can't always be someone who makes all the decisions in your life cuz I'll never be able to satisfy your wants and needs. I'm specifically talking to one person I know. I constantly make decisions FOR this person, not WITH. I'm not your mom or whatever so I don't need to. And plus the decisions that I make wouldn't always make you happy. I don't understand why you need to rely on me. I hate it when you do everything I do. I don't need a clone of me. One of me is enough. So seriously, I think you should start to be yourself and stop relying on people. Just because I do something, doesn't mean you have to too. I got my life, you got yours. I won't always be doing the same things you do, so if I'm going to jump a cliff, you are too? I don't think so. If you haven't noticed, I didn't include you at all for awhile. I'm going to be doing crazy things and I know you're never going to be as much as a rebel as me. Actually, I don't think you'll ever be a rebel period.

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