Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Haha... the title sounds like that song by Ke$ha. I actually like that song. Well anyways this week is tiring. I'm really sleepy and tired. Seniorities has been catching up on me. I mean literally. If you have to make it specific, it's more like English class. I really don't like what we're doing in there anymore. The book that we have to read is totally like whatthefuckisittalkingabout kinda thing. UGH! I don't understand the book nor do I want to read the book. I basically gave up on this section. I just want return this book to the bookroom already. LMAO! What would happen if I didn't do the workbook or read? Anyways, I think I really need my sleep. iIve been going to bed at 11:30-12 these past couple days. And I have to say, it feels the same. I still don't think I got enough of sleep regardless of how many hours of sleep I get. I don't know. I think I'm blabbing so much I don't even know what I'm writing. BLAH BLAH BLAH lol
Monday, March 29, 2010
Fact #18
I can only carry my purses/bags on my left shoulder because when I put it on my right shoulder, I look lopsided and it doesn't feel right. LOL
Monday, March 22, 2010
Don't you hate it when you watch a tv show and you reach the finale, then they eave you hanging at the end and say "Watch out for next season coming...." UGH! I'm so mad! I just watched 'Secret Life' and the ending sucked. Well it didn't suck, it was just not complete. It was supposed to be the finale though. -.- FML! Well they say that there's going to be more episodes in the summer. I don't know if it's going to be a new season or a continuation of this season. Hmmm...I can't wait for it to come out. It's gonna take a long time. So the question is...Is Adrian pregnant with Ben's baby?! I don't know if I like it. I'm just kinda iffy about it, but then if she's not pregos then it's sorta gonna be a happy ending kinda thing where this person is with this other person. You know, those fairy tale endings. HAHA. Yeah...So I really don't care which ending it is. I just wanna watch it already. XD
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
I tried to stay distant with you, but you make it harder. :/ It's not that I wanna stop being friends with you, I just think I needa get some time away from you. The one problem...I have a class with you and there's going to be times we have to talk. However, you make even harder to be distant with you cuz you always make me laugh. -.- Is that a good thing or not? I don't know. D:
Have you ever have a moment where you have something on your mind that you want to tell/ask your mom, but before you say anything, she already know whats up? I swear there's times when it feels like my mom can see my head turning. It's kinda scary. LOL! So today I was asking my mom why its taking her so long to find me a car. It's been at least a month and half? Well anyways, in the back of my mind I was like I can't wait to go out with the car. She's like "If I get you a car, you're not gonna be home anymore." HAHA. She cracks me up! How did she know that? LOL (:
Is it possible?
I wonder if it works if I put two lotion with spf, would it double up? In my case, I had a lotion that has a SPF 15 and foundation with SPF 15. So does that mean I have SPF 30 on my face?! LOL! I'm so curious to know if it works that way.

Thursday, March 18, 2010
UGH! Why did I have to overhear what you said today?! I wish I didn't. I swear this might be one of the things that I'd rather be lied to then actually hear it. I know I shouldn't be feeling this way, but each time you turn around, I feel that you're going to betray me in some sort of way. It has been a whole year already and I still feel the same way. You know, I kinda wish you just stop being friends with me. ): I'd rather you be friends with her rather than be friends with both of us. Sometimes, I feel vulnerable...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Most of the time, I don't believe in it, but how can't you when sometimes things are so true?! It really throws off me sometimes. LOL
"Being single totally blows.
You thought it would be totally fun
meeting new boys and having options,
but turns out, there aren't
any options available."
I totally agree with this. I mean honestly, in my high school there is no one that is "an option." Seriously, I don't think I'm the only one thinking that, so I don't think it's just me. LOL
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I can tell...
...that it's going to be a loooonnng week. :/ First, there was a blackout at school yesterday. However, all my quizzes were postponed today and yesterday. The downside of it is that they're all crammed on Thursday and Friday. -.- That means I'm going to have 2 quizzes and 1 test on Thursday and a test on Friday. What lovely days! Then, this morning there was an earthquake. Honestly, I'm just adding these "natural disasters" into my bad day. Then, people just starts talking about this one subject. They're not even seniors, so why need to worry about it? I think it's getting annoying and they should just shut the fuck up. I'm not pms-ing, but I just feel irritated and plus it was fucken hot today. The ironic thing: I was so bored in class today and I checked my horoscope and it said that I'd be having a bad day. It's more like implying that. Don't you just hate that your horoscope can be right sometimes. LOL. I think it's more like reading it and then believing it or like making it happen cuz it'd be in the back of your mind once you read it and once something bad happens, you'll be like "See I am having a bad day." HAHA. I just wanna get through this week already. I still never found a date for sadies, thus I'm not going anymore! ): FML! Wellllllll....spring break is in 2 weeks. YAY? I don't know either. I feel like I'm being really indecisive right now. It's my "Idontgiveafuckaboutwhatsgoingon" moments. I know I'm not "depressed. " Cuz trust me, I know what depressed feels like and I know I'm not. So let's say I'm irritated? haha. I don't know. <--- See there we go again with the 'IDK.' St. Patty's Day tomorrow. It's time to find something green to wear but I only have one green top that I don't feel like wearing at the moment. I realized I have this green tank, but what do I wear it with? Shorts? OHHH talking about shorts! It reminds me that there were hella mosquitos at lunch where we were sitting. I was fucken scared that it'd sting me cuz I was wearing shorts. And what to you know, I got bitten. FUCK MY LIFE! >:O I hate bugs period! They are disgusting. I hate it and it probably hates me. UGH! LOL Should I wear shorts tomorrow? I don't know. It all depends on the weather.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Blackout @ school!
So there was a blackout at school today. It started towards the end of 1st period. We were stuck in period 2 for at least 2 hours before they released us. Seriously, they just kept us in there and the electricity wouldn't be back on for awhile. -.- What happened was that apparently there was a small fire near the electricity pole thingy. LOL So then they had to shut down the whole block's light. When the light first went out, some of the lights were flashing and it was pretty creepy. HAHA. People were like it was so scary in the restrooms and people in my class were all going in pairs to the restroom. LOL. My period 2 was TA and I was basically sleeping/napping in there. The teacher let the freshies watch Iron Man on her laptop. I was really tired thanks to the daylight savings. ): There wasn't much to do in class and so I was just texting. After awhile, my mom called me saying that the school called home saying that we're released early. That took forever to let us out. Gahh... We were finally out 1/2 hours later. So basically we only had 2 classes today! (: Fun day..not really. hahaha. Well my leg is cramping and I'm feeling tired. It's time for nappy! :D
Friday, March 12, 2010
Alice in Wonderland
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
So when my mom and I was coming home from Ralphs, we witnessed a car accident!:O This Mexican guy ran a red light and hit a lady coming from the opposite direction. My jaw dropped when I saw it cuz it was all of a sudden and we were inches away from it That dude's car literally swiveled 360 degrees onto the other side of the street. His bumper fell off and his windshield wipers were all moving. LOL. The lady's car was damaged too. I think her headlights were broken and she drove slowly to her opposite side (right next to us) and stopped in the middle of the car. I have a feeling that her car stopped running. So when we passed the guy, it seemed like he was bleeding. Damn, he's messed up! What was he thinking about running a red light?! Did he think he'd be able to get through it without having an accident. Most unlikely. -.- I feel bad for the lady and she's old too! I bet that lady scared her pants off. Seriously, I was a bit scared too. And you know what's so ironic about all this?! Before we got to the intersection, I was asking my mom when is she getting insurance for me cuz then I'd be able to drive when I get insurance. We were talking about cars and stuff like that. I was like I wanna car so that I can go to places without asking her or my dad for rides and stuff like that. (I think she was thinking about that too.) LOL! It's just that insurance would be so much more expensive if they just add my name onto theirs now. She told me to wait til theirs expires which is around April. *crosses my finger* and toes if I have to. HAHA!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Period 3

Dude...So I'm in period 3 right now and it is very quiet. Honestly, I never heard the class so quiet before. The only sound I actually hear is people typing on the keyboard. Lalalala...So I finished my part of the group project and I got nothing to do. So I'm blogging so that makes it seem like I'm typing my notes. (: I do, but I don't wanna do it for now. I've been online shopping, but there's nothing nice to buy or what not. Yesterday I slept at 3 am. Yes that late! I was reading my Harry Potter book and I couldn't stop. I was like just one more page each time and it ended to be lik around 50 pages! HAHA! I'm almost to the ending but I doubt I can finish it by tonight cuz I gotta study my Econ test tomorrow. That means no reading. ): I sound like such a bookworm right now. LOL! Anyways, people are getting sick these days. I know like 5 people who are actually sick. Flu season again? Spring time is coming and OMG, daylight saving time begins this Sunday! That means one less hour of sleep! :O Spring forward, fall backward. I think this year is going by too fast. I mean we're coming to the end of the school year and I'm graduating! Ahhh... kinda excited but nervous at the same time. Why can't we just stop going so fast so I can feel what's really going on in my last year of high school? I hardly remembered what happened this school year. I just know that I haven't had any all nighters, instead I practically took a nap every day. Well, not every day. LOL! But, honestly, it does feel like every day. This year was like on fast forward. In 3 months, we'd be having summer vacation and then college. Then @ college it's going to be like high school all over again. <-- That's what my friends told me. They say that the only difference is your at a new campus and a bit harder material to learn. Okei enough blogging and time to go back to my online shopping/browsing.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Harry Potter

I've been reading the "Harry Potter" series for about one and a half months or two months already. It is getting a bit addicting. HAHA. I read the series before already. I think the one book that I read the most was "Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets." I think it was cuz that was my first book I got. You can tell that was the oldest book though. LOL! Something that was annoying me was that my book #1-5 are paperback and the book #6-7 is hard cover. AND my book #3 is sorta the mini version. It's condensed? I don't how to describe it. It's just smaller than the other books. Does that make better sense? Yeah, I have a weird collection. I really want it to be either ALL paperbacks or ALL hardcovers. It kinda annoys me, but oh well. I get these books after it first came out after the second book. I have no idea when I started getting into this whole series. Probably when the first movie came out? No maybe not. I don't know! I just remember when I first saw that movie, I thought 'Harry' was cute! HAHA! He totally changed now though. He's older, not so good looking (shh!), and short! I really don't like short guys. Especially those who are the same height as me or 2/3 inches taller than me. This is because what if I wear high heels and I am taller than the guy?! :O LOL! Anyways, I'm on my last book now and I can't wait for the movie to come out. Part 1 is coming out on November 19, 2010! :D When I read the book, I am so into the book that it's hard to put down my book. LMAO! That's why recently I have been sleeping pretty late like 2/3 am! ): BAD....
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Okei, so I don't know why I have this urge to ask someone to Sadies. BUT one problem...I don't know WHO to ask! Haha. Seriously, after 3 years of wanting to go and this is my last year of high school, I should take the chance to go. Honestly, I really don't know who I should ask or have anyone that I like. For a long time in awhile, I do NOT like anyone at the moment. So either way, I don't know how I'm going to go without a date. I mean there is a possibility of going with friends, but then what's the point of sadies? The only point of it is for a girl to ask a guy, so why would you go with your friends unless they have dates too? I don't know. Is it possible to go with just a friend and not have this "friend" think that you have feelings towards him whatsoever?! Like you actually mean it when you wanna go as friends? I don't know either. It seems to me that it used to be so much easier when no one thought about these things. I remember that's what happened in 8th grade. I just asked someone and we went as friends and nothing happened. But now, it seems much more complicated than before. Maybe, just maybe, I had more guts back then and plus I was at a smaller school and we practically knew everyone in the school. I got no idea either. Maybe I should grow some balls and just ask someone without thinking so much. But still, WHO?! >:O
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