"They say that good things take time,
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye."
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
One meaning with many words to describe.

Selfish. Self-centered. Self-indulgent. Stingy. Narcissistic. Egotistic. Self-absorbed. Snobbish. Stuck-up. Vain. Bragging. Boasting. Opinionated. Haughty. Over-bearing. Conceited. Obssessive. Pompous. Supercilious. Self-involved. bossy. Cocky. Brat. Too proud. Showy. Disdainful. Smug. Imperious. Cavalier. Insolent. Vainglorious. Know-It-All. Peremtory. Snotty. Egocentric.
- Only thinks of oneself.
- Always talks about me, myself, and I.
- Wants everything for themselves.
There's people out there that actually think of themselves like that. They just don't notice that they're doing that, but outsiders think that they're very self-absorbed with themselves. I wonder if they ever feel tired of talking about themselves. Hmm...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Black Friday (:
WOW Black friday was fun. Well I woke up @ 3 to get ready and pick up Diana and Wendy and we went to Santa Anita mall. Surprisingly, there weren't a lot of ppl. I thot there would be a huge mess of ppl but nahh. There was a line outside the Todai entrance, don't know why tho. And we decided to go thru the other entrance cuz my dad went in already after he parked. We got in and went to JC Penny. They gave out micky snow globes and it was kutee! (: HAHA Anyways we shopped around. Me and Wendy tried to convince Diana to gget skinny jeans but we weren't very successful.LOL! Watch..I will do it one day. XD And after went to Charlotte Russe. There wasn't a gigantic sale but I got some things. 2 kute tops, earrings, and a chain necklace. I couldn't find a kute purse. I wanted a brown or like a suade one. Then went to past the Disney store and there was a tiny line. But we still had to wait for at least 10 mins. We got in and it was super crowded. Wendy went in to get a Stitch plushie for her sis. And I decided to get this big Minnie Mouse plushie. It was only $16 so why not. Hmm...went to other stores too but we left right away cuz the line was looong. So we just left without looking at anything much. I wanted to check out Forever 21, but the line practically went around the store. So crowded. Then, went to Sidecca and looked thru there sale box. There were actually kute stuff and I got 2 tops for my mom. I had a horrible headache during the whole time. But I sucked it in cuz I wanted to shop. LOL It was a hangover from the Thanksgiving dinner @ Andrew's house. haha well we went to the food court to sit. So tired that my legs could've fell off. For some reason I lost my appetite after seeing other ppl eat. So I didn't eat and plus my headache was killing me. After like an hour of rest and my friends finished eating, we went to walk around. We went to Wet Seal and Cali, there wasn't much that was like cheap so I didn't bother to check much out. I spent alot already and plus I was tired from lugging my freaken huge plushie around. When I bought it, I didn't think that I have to carry it around. What an idiot! HAHA. At least I wasn't complaining much, or maybe I did a bit. (: Hmm..then Diana's dad was gonna come to pick us up and we waited by JC Penny. Finally, he came and then we went to Walmart to pick up her mom. And my mo was gonna pick me up, but she took forever to come so I just waited for her inside McDonalds cuz Diana and them had to leave. I sat there and I almost fell asleep. LMAO. When my mom did come, I went home to eat pho. YUMMM...(:
I took a long nap after that cuz I was soo dead tired. Slept til 6 then mom woke me up to eat dessert and then I went back to sleep until like 10ish and showered and back to sleep. LOL
So this morning I had to wake up early cuz my new driving instructor was coming @ 10. I drove around MPK. Then went to San Gabriel. It was okay but I got nervous in the beginning. It took some time to get used to braking and putting on gas. It was a 2 hour lesson and it was okay i guess. I know I need more lessons tho. But I wanna take my driving test before the new year comes. Hmm..we'll see. XP Another driving lesson tmr!
OH YEAH I still never got a purse. ): so sad.
I took a long nap after that cuz I was soo dead tired. Slept til 6 then mom woke me up to eat dessert and then I went back to sleep until like 10ish and showered and back to sleep. LOL
So this morning I had to wake up early cuz my new driving instructor was coming @ 10. I drove around MPK. Then went to San Gabriel. It was okay but I got nervous in the beginning. It took some time to get used to braking and putting on gas. It was a 2 hour lesson and it was okay i guess. I know I need more lessons tho. But I wanna take my driving test before the new year comes. Hmm..we'll see. XP Another driving lesson tmr!
OH YEAH I still never got a purse. ): so sad.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I love how I get info out of people that some other people aren't honest about. It's fun but then makes me mad at the same time. You know I really hate people that lie to me. If your gonna lie, please be slick about it. If you don't know how to lie, don't even try. You're an idiot for trying cuz at the end I will find out. You have no idea what a dumbass you look like. I hope one day you realize the world does not revolve around you. You're not the only one that lives on this earth. Therefore, don't try to pretend like you know everything when you're just making a fool outta yourself. Find some logic cuz your logic SUCKS! Just letting you know that. You're not as smart as your think you are. AND you don't know shiet! You say you do but I bet you have no clue what your doing or thinking. I just wanna let you know, those guys don't like you for you. Some don't even fucken know you even though you spent like what, 2 years, around them? I'm sorry to say, but your just a dumbass! You don't know what's in the reality world..It's not like what's in your little dreams where "love lasts forever." DUDE..you can't even get over someone you've NEVER seen in your life, but yet you call that your 'boyfriend." How realistic can you get honestly? A person with the right mind would know that's not real and you shouldn't take that seriously. I guess you don't have a right mind since you believe all that online love shiet was foreals. Are you foreals? I don't see what's the point for you to brag and show off what you got. I mean that's all you can get. How fun is it to hang with a bunch of nerds? You think I'd be jealous or anyone else would be jealous that you're hanging with those nerds. Well sorry hun, nobody is jealous of you. You're making a total fool of yourself right now. Since you love Hong Kong so much, why don't you go back already? You belong there more than here. You even said it yourself. I just need to tell you that people in America don't like it when they smell horrible BO. So, why don't you get yourself some deodorant and put it on yourself. Cuz honestly, you smell from a mile away. I just never said anything cuz maybe you can smell it yourself, but apparrently you don't even notice the horrible smell. OH yeah one last thing. Did you know that your a rebound? Wait, do you know what that means? Well if you didn't, it means that your the only option left when people get rejected. You're the closest and easiest thing they can get to so they go for you. I don't think you realize that cuz you seem really happy about it and you seem to enjoy it too. WOW Get a life.
I can see how much time I wasted on you cuz each time you just took it for granted. I'm never gonna look out for you cuz you don't need it. Have fun finding someone else whose gonna reach out and help you.
I can see how much time I wasted on you cuz each time you just took it for granted. I'm never gonna look out for you cuz you don't need it. Have fun finding someone else whose gonna reach out and help you.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Currently Listening to: Forever In My Life
Today was minimum day. I went to Diana's house after school and we chilled. And when Wendy came over we all went to Nubi's for the Key Club fundraiser. I love pistachio frozen yogurt with cheese cake bites. It is theee bomb! HAHA.. So then went back to Diana's house again and talked soo much. I was supposed to go watch New Moon but then my friend had to work overtime. oh well..watch it some other day. HOPEFULLY...cuz I've been wanting to watch it ever since it came out. Even my brother watched it. Maybe I won't even watch it. IDK we'll see.
OH guess what? Finally, I finished all my college apps. What a relief! :D Now all I have to do is wait for replies which is in another few months.
So, my birthday is coming up. It's the BIG 18. Should I celebrate it? I kinda want to but then I want people to help me out. I mean what's so fun planning your own party? I will definitely pay my own things and all but I need a planner. Maybe I should just hang out with my close friends and hopefully find something fun to do. LOL
AND...one last comment for someone:

After this, I am going to try not to care or worry about you anymore. You don't care so do you expect me to either?
OH guess what? Finally, I finished all my college apps. What a relief! :D Now all I have to do is wait for replies which is in another few months.
So, my birthday is coming up. It's the BIG 18. Should I celebrate it? I kinda want to but then I want people to help me out. I mean what's so fun planning your own party? I will definitely pay my own things and all but I need a planner. Maybe I should just hang out with my close friends and hopefully find something fun to do. LOL
AND...one last comment for someone:

After this, I am going to try not to care or worry about you anymore. You don't care so do you expect me to either?
Period 1 is passing by so slowww...UGH. I wanna get out already. Since I didn't wear a jacket today, I got my allergies. soo nice -_- I couldn't sleep last night either. I have no idea why cuz well idk. I had a dream tho but I kinda forgot what it was about. (:
OH yeah so there's these crazy people in my class talking about "kings" ROFL. I'm kidding guys! But it was funny and the "Down" song by Jay Sean. ): someone killed the song. I'm sad now.
OH yeah so there's these crazy people in my class talking about "kings" ROFL. I'm kidding guys! But it was funny and the "Down" song by Jay Sean. ): someone killed the song. I'm sad now.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Currently Listening: Fireflies- Owl City

so today at school it was pretty extreme. i was extra bitchy today n don't ask y cuz i have no idea either. i was telling the freshmen off at lunch n calling this girl manly n what else? hmm i cant think of it right now. but it will come. LOL so we have half day of school tmr n then vacay! whee I'm excited. kinda. haha its only 4 days but hey better than nothing right?
Thanksgiving is on its way. So I just wanna thank everyone that's in my life and being there for me even on my bitchy times. LMAO I wanna be thankful to everything that I have right now cuz MANY MANY ppl in the world right don't have many of the things I have right now like food or education. So that's why on Thanksgiving imma go volunteer n feed the poor in the park. It's called "Dinner In The Park."
OH then the next day is BLACK FRIDAY! :D I'm happy abt it but then I still gotta convince my mom to let me go. I can't just run off like that cuz well shes a bit overprotective even when I'm almost freaken 18. oh well...at least I know she cares. I'll pursuade her tonight and we'll see how that goes.
First day (:
okei so this is going to be my first blog. to me it seems like using a xanga.. haha. idky but seeing other ppl make blogs or tumblr makes me want to make one too. i dont kno exactly what imma do with this cuz i dotn think i will go on every day. but we'll see. well its first period right now. n the bell's abt to ring so continue later... XD
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